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"TAT Bharti Query 2019" All Questions and its official solution by RDRATHOD

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"TAT Bharti Query 2019" All Questions and its official solution by RDRATHOD, Need to take a look before filling the form

• Important Important Instructions. SEE VIDEO

TAT Form Bharva ma bhul Thai Hoy To shu karvu : CLICK HERE

> This information is obtained from the website of the recruitment board through phone conversation and interview.
> Don't fill out the form yourself unless possible. Don't rush and fill out a form by going to a cybercafe. Sitting beside, watching each detail carefully. …
> If you have any questions before filling the form, get the correct information. General Chat Chat Lounge General Chat Chat Lounge Then fill in the form and double check all the details carefully before submitting the form.


tat bharti Questions And Answers

In This Article TAT Bharti Questions : 

• What to do if there is an error filling in the form?
• What to write in Methods 1 and 2?
• Is NOC compulsory? And where to take it?
 Who has to pay the bond?
 Can a trial run if it is not credible?
 What to do if a Tat mark does not come up?
• Document verification questions.

• What to write in the advertising number?
> Write down the ad number that is listed next to the subject in the ad. Eg. T If the ad number for English is 19 then write = 19/2019.

• What to write in Methods 1 and 2?
> Write in Method 1 which is the main subject and write in Method 2 where the other subject is. In many cases, the main subject and the second subject are not given. Ad . The subject can be written in Method 2. Note. If you have filled out the form. So don't worry your form will not be canceled.

• Need an affidavit if there is a gap between studies?
> No, not necessarily. Earlier, an affidavit was sought in this form but at this time the notification has been made by the recruitment board that such an affidavit is not required on the website.

• What to do if the mark sheet of the tar is not found?
> Going for Gandhinagar State Examination Board. - Marksheet has been returned from post for some reason.
> Address.
State Examination Board, in front of the Government Library
Sector - 21, Gandhinagar - 382021

Website: https://gujarat-educatingw.inyse

 What to do if there is an error in the name in the mark sheet or other document?
> For the nomination, surname, date of birth or any other mistake, get a 20 rupee affidavit (from the office in Notary) 
> Take your photo / Aadhar card with the affidavit.

• Is a commuter's certificate compulsory? If not, what to do?
> Yes, compulsory. - Basic Commuter Course in any government recognized institution or class. C. C. Or its equivalent. It has now been compulsory in any government recruitment.
> Will run in standard 10 or 12 or other course if there is a commuter object.
> Write down the registration number on the commuter's certificate.

• To whom does the age limit apply?
> Age limit will apply only to Government Secondary and Government Higher Secondary.

 Who has to pay the bond amount?
> If he has a job for less than three years, he will only have to pay the bond. Only when going from Secondary to Secondary or Higher Secondary to Higher Secondary. General Chat Chat Lounge Primary department teachers are not required to fill the bond.

 Who has to pay the bond amount?
> If he has a job for less than three years, he will only have to pay the bond. Only when going from Secondary to Secondary or Higher Secondary to Higher Secondary. General Chat Chat Lounge Primary department teachers are not required to fill the bond. For NOC and bond

• Is nc mandatory? Who has to take it?
> All candidates with current job have N. O C. Have to take The primary teachers print and secondary teachers take the nc from the do