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"Bhashadip Karyakram" Monitoring Babat paripatra, 5/12/2019

Bhashadip paripatra, Bhashadip monitoring
"Bhashadip Karyakram" Monitoring Babat paripatra, 5/12/2019

As you are well versed in monitoring under the 'Bhashadeep' program, the Bhashadeep program has been implemented for the students of standard 3 to 8 in the primary schools of the state.  Under which  A pre-test was also held on 23 - 11 - 19.  You are requested to be monitored at this level for a smooth running of the program for a total of 16 weeks.

 Important notes for Bhashadip monitoring:

 • Activities are to be undertaken by students of grades 1 through 8 under Linguistics.  General Chat Chat Lounge
 • 'Language Deep' self-study is provided from here for students in grades 1 through 8.  It is expected that every student will do activities according to these self-study methods.
 • All activities within the language course that are to be done by the class teacher.
 • The activities are to be conducted under Bhashadeep for approximately one hour every day.
 • Conducting each activity individually / in pairs / or group -
 • The instruction in the study book is clearly stated.
 • These activities are expected to take place accordingly.
 • The activities offered in the language-based self-study program are to be performed.
 • No additional activities to be done at the local level.
 • You are expected to visit the school yourself for the monitoring of the Head Program, in addition to the intensive monitoring requested by your subordinate staff.

"Bhashadip Karyakram" Monitoring Babat paripatra, 5/12/2019