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Social Science Education Module for std 6 to 8 : Useful for ss Subject Teachers

Ss Project, SS Lab Module, SS Pravruti Module, Social Science Activity, Social Science Project File, Social Science Corner, SS Teachers, social Science Material, ss Activity
Useful in social science education Module from 6 to 8 What can be kept under the lab ?  And how does the subject matter to students in education?  A module explaining this in the PDF file

social science education Module
social science education Module 

Social Science Lab Module & Social Science Project Module Download pdf - Useful for All ss Teachers (Social Science Study material)

 New initiative of the Department of Education

May work.  After proper verification of this project "" and will be made available to other teachers through Google Application.  Know the structure for submitting a project.  

1.  Project Name: You can name the project as per your choice.  ) 
2.  What standard is this project?  (Here you have to choose one of the standard 3 to 5.);  
3.  What is the project on?  : (You can select one of the topics listed here.) My 
4.  Session: (Selecting the session in which the given project falls into the unit) 
5.  Unit: (Depending on the criteria and subject you select, you will see a list of units from here, select the unit from which your project is based on the learning outcomes.) 
6.  How many children have been projects with?  (Just enter the number of children (kumar and bride) included in the project to do this project).  Which project is designed to achieve this level of achievement in children?  : 

(Here are the teaching skills or skills that children will achieve by doing the project.)

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Social Science Education Module for std 6 to 8 : Useful for ss Subject Teachers