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According to the above subject and reference on illiteracy survey and data entry, the Office of the Director of Literacy and Continuing Education, Gandhinagar, is involved.  Considering the details stated in the letter dated 20/12/2019, your level instructs teachers to give necessary instruction to all the elementary schools under your authority to take action in accordance with the required rules.

One more responsibility towards the primary teachers of the state

 Teachers are now tasked to go home and find overseers

 Read the circular

Concerning the Survey of Out-of-School (Non-Schooling) Children Year 2020-21, Reference: Hon.  This letter is based on the approval received on the SPDT note.

 Never-enrolled and drop-out children are surveyed annually by the project staff under the entire education, the survey of children who are disadvantaged by the education of 6- to 18-year-olds under the whole education project.  M  C.  Is done through.  The survey process covers all out-of-school children including Notified, Unnotified, Unseed, Habitation, Disability in the slum Arc area.  For this year, the Pune survey is carried out by the district.

 The following are the factors to consider for conducting this survey.  R .  T  E.  As per the provision of section 4 (e) of Chapter 2 of the Act, 2009, the responsibility of identifying and nominating all children between the ages of 6 and 14 shall be those of the school and the teachers.  They have to identify the Never Enrolled children coming into their school area and nominate them at the age-wise standard.  That the survey should cover all children who have never attended school in the area assigned to the project.

 Drop-out children's information from Aadhaar Dias Information  I.  Will have to get from S.  All these dope-out kids will have to be reaffirmed and made sure they get nominated next year.

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