Covid-19 Samaygara Darmiyan Thayel Vishesh Kamgiri no Aheval Aapva Babat

Covid-19 Samaygara Darmiyan Thayel Vishesh Kamgiri no Aheval Aapva Babat. Matter of reporting on specific operations during COVID-19 period.  Reference - Government of India, Ministry of Education, Correspondence. Date - 01.02.2021.  

In this regard, Doordarshan Kendra, DD Girnar is trying to impart educational programs for students of Std. 1 to 12, virtual classes as well as GVs (Gujarat Virtual School) for students of Std. 9 to 12.

  According to the above reference, the Ministry of Education of the Government of India has to provide details of the special work done during the period of Corridor-12.  In which you have to present the special efforts made at the district level. 

 This is to include matters planned by your district during this period and implemented at the block / cluster or school level.  A reference letter for more details is attached herewith.  With this in mind, it is requested to send the information of your district to the office here on day-5 only on day-5 (five) by word copy (soft copy).

Savinay Jayabharat co stating that: An important and appropriate improvement for teachers teaching Std 1 to 5 is the demand of the National Federation of Education to make in the interest of education and teacher.  At present there are 5 teachers for 120 children and 6 teachers for 200 students in Std. 1 to 5.

 But the difference in the ratio of this establishment is very large (80 numbers) so if the ratio of this establishment is reduced to 6 per 150 children, then the problem of teaching in the classroom including the increasing number of questions of teachers can also come to an end.

 This amendment is likely to resolve the issue of oversets and provide a wide range of opportunities for redistribution.  Regarding the above demand from all the districts of Gujarat, it is requested that you do the right thing.

school planning under home learning.  Reference: - According to the letter of the Office of the Director of Primary Education, under the above subject and context, to state that due to the epidemic of Kovid-19, direct lockdown was implemented by the Government in March 2020 and direct education was stopped in all schools in the State of Gujarat.  Direct education is still closed in primary schools and educational activities are being carried out following the instructions of Home Learning.

 In this regard, the Government has canceled the earlier instruction for all teachers on duty in primary schools to be present on duty on rotation basis and replaced it with Dat.  From 09/02/2021, the time of all primary schools is said to be full time instead of morning.

 The attendance of primary teachers and head teachers on duty in primary schools is said to be 100%.  Being present in the school, school accreditation, evaluation of street education, unit test verification and its data entry are to be done.  "Students are not to be called to school under any circumstances," he said, adding that the instructions had to be followed.

 Regarding the evaluation of street education in the above matter, the headmaster of the school will have to make the following arrangements.

 1. The headmaster of a school having Std. 1 to 5 has to organize the educational work of the students under the street school which is to be done from 11:00 to 12:30 hrs.

 The headmaster of the school having standard 1 to 5 must select the standard wise dear students. It is compulsory to organize the educational work of the teacher with at least 5 students from 03:00 to 04:30 hours.

Covid-19 Samaygara Darmiyan Thayel Vishesh Kamgiri no Aheval Aapva Babat

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