Vahan Akasmat Sahay Yojana Application Form Download 2021-22

Vahan Akasmat Sahay Yojana Application Form Download 2021-22

Below is a list of the necessary evidence for the State Government and various schemes of the Central Government. Beneficiaries will be able to take advantage of various schemes, personal assistance, ration card, revenue collection, Ma Annupurna scheme, Maa Amrut Yojna, in the base evidence needed for the benefit of these schemes

Sarkari Yojanaono Labh Leva Mate Jaruri Adhar - Puravao Ni Yadi

Non-creamy layer certificates are also known as OBC Certificates, in 1993, former Prime Minister V. P Singh presented. With the implementation of this certificate, the central government and the public sector jobs were allocated to the people with the certificate. Students with non-creamy layer certificates enjoy specific allocation in top educational institutions like IIT and IIM. Non-creamy layer certificates are issued by the respective State Government's Thistilender. Therefore, the process of obtaining a non-creamy layer certificate varies from state to state.

Scale of merit

Although Tamil Nadu State Government has given non-creamy layer certificates, it is compulsory to obtain OBC certification for applying for central government jobs. Non-Creamy Layer Certificate is valid for one year from the date of receipt of the certificate.

Considering the income of the parents, it is divided into creamy and non-creamy layers. If the income is more than 8 lakhs, then that person will come under a creamy layer. If income is less than 8 lakhs, then that person will come under non-creamy layer.

The following eligibility criteria are to obtain a non-creamy layer certificate.

Only non-creamy people can apply for this certificate.

If both parents or parents work under Group C and Central Government groups C and D and parents working under group II, III and IV of the Tamil Nadu State Government, they will be eligible for this certificate. Are eligible to apply.

If a person is working under Group B under Central Government or under Tamil Nadu State Government's Group 1, then his parents do not receive any kind of income, then that person is OBC's Can apply for.

If the husband works under the central government, then his wife can apply for OBC certification, except that the parents of the wife will not have any income.

Those who are not eligible to apply for this certificate are as follows.

Some species under BC and MBC are not added to the Central Government

Parents working under Group A, such as IPS, IAS, and IFS, are not eligible to apply for this certificate.

If the applicant's parents are working under Group B and Central Government C and under the working of group working under Group 1 of the State Government, then they are not eligible to apply for this certificate.

If the applicant's income is more than 8 lakhs, then they are not eligible to apply for this certificate.

If the applicant's parents are employed in private sector for more than 8 million years under professional person, lawyer, doctor, engineer and their income, then they are not eligible to apply for this certificate.

Application for applicant (as per Annexure -1 / 86)

Affidify (as per Appendix VIII) Onim Certificate (As per Annexure 3/86)

Certificate of Widening (Appendix 4/86)

Example of the death of the applicant's husband

The example of medical officer / civil hospital in civil hospital / civil hospital is not available in the case of the birth pattern of the applicant (Vidyavahan) or in any case of the living certificate of the school. Certificate on the applicant's educational qualification

Applicants aged 18 to 40 years, within one year, a Guarantee Letter to join any government accredited business training. Again the marriage certificate (made on the face of Talati in July July.) F1 is the son of more than 1 year but he is physically handicapped or mentally unstable, if he is suffering from lifelong imprisonment. 

The applicant must show identification marks on his body as mandatory.

Household certificates are legal evidence, which certifies that a person lives in a particular state. This certificate is an essential document to claim the rights and benefits of the state. The State Government provides this certificate to its certificates. Residents of Gujarat State can get Dominic Certificate as a proof that they live in a particular village, town or ward during a particular period and aim to make Gujarat their permanent residence. Earlier this certificate was given offline by the state government. Now the government has started the digital Gujarat online portal to apply for a diploma certificate. In this article, we look at eligibility and requirements for obtaining Gujarat's domestic certificate.

Benefits of obtaining Domicile Certificate

There is a need to provide domestic certification for different purposes. The following are the benefits of obtaining the following domestic certificates:

In order to get local options, a domicile certificate can be presented in many situations.

Using this certificate, students can get admission in suitable jobs for their academic parents.

Non Criminal Certificate : Documentation of the necessary support evidence
  1. Form and photo
  2. Copy of ration card
  3. Caste pattern
  4. Income pattern
  5. School Living Certificate
  6. Income of the spouse
  7. Last Light Bill
Caste Certificate :  Documentation of the necessary support evidence
  1. Form and photo
  2. Copy of ration card
  3. School Living Certificate
  4. Parents-brothers and sisters's school living certificate
  5. Last Light Bill
  6. Talati caste pattern
Domicile Certificate : Documentation of the necessary support evidence
  1. Form and photo
  2. Copy of ration card
  3. School Living Certificate
  4. 10 Years of Talati's Residential Example
  5. Parents-brothers and sisters's school living certificate
  6. Resignation agreement
  7. Last Light Bill
  8. Birth pattern
  9. Police Station pattern
Senior Citizen Certificate : Documentation of the necessary support evidence
  1. Form and photo
  2. Copy of ration card
  3. School Living Certificate
  4. Birth pattern
  5. Copy of election card
  6. Last Light Bill
Income Certificate : Documentation of the necessary support evidence
  1. Form and photo
  2. Copy of ration card
  3. Copy of election card
  4. The example of the income of the talati
  5. Last Light Bill
Religious Minority Patterns : Documentation of the necessary support evidence
  1. Form and photo
  2. Copy of ration card
  3. School Living Certificate
  4. The example of the income of the talati
  5. Last Light Bill
  6. Example of School Principal Letter Pad
Character Certificate : Documentation of the necessary support evidence
  1. Form and photo
  2. Copy of ration card
  3. School Living Certificate
  4. Talati's character certificate
  5. Last Light Bill
  6. An example of a police station
  7. Copy of election card
Widow help : Documentation of the necessary support evidence
  1. Form and photo
  2. Copy of ration card
  3. School Living Certificate
  4. Death of Husband
  5. Copy of election card
  6. Last Light Bill
  7. Children's Birth Date Certificate
Aadhar card : Documentation of the necessary support evidence
  1. The following ID Proof
  2. PanCard
  3. Election card
  4. Diving license
  5. Passport
  6. Address proof: (any one)
  7. Ration Card / Light Bill / Gas Book
Maa Amrutam card - Maa Vatsalya card : Documentation of the necessary support evidence
  1. Election card
  2. Ration card
  3. aadhar card
  4. Income Certificate
Vay vandana Yojna : Documentation of the necessary support evidence
  1. Election card
  2. Ration card
  3. aadhar card
  4. School Living Certificate
  5. An example of Talati from 0 to 16 BPL
  6. Copy of bank passbook
Niradhar Vrudhdh Sahay Yojna : Documentation of the necessary support evidence
  1. Election card
  2. Ration card
  3. aadhar card
  4. School Living Certificate
  5. Copy of bank passbook
Separate ration card : Documentation of the necessary support evidence
  1. Election card
  2. Old ration card
  3. aadhar card
  4. Income pattern
  5. Copy of bank passbook
  6. Talati's example
  7. Father's consent affidavit
  8. Light bills
New ration card : Documentation of the necessary support evidence
  1. Form and photo
  2. Copy of election card
  3. Name of problem
  4. aadhar card
  5. Copy of bank passbook
  6. Talati's example
  7. Light bills
Add a name to the ration card :  Documentation of the necessary support evidence
  1. Form and photo
  2. Copy of election card
  3. Copy of ration card
  4. aadhar card
  5. Birth pattern
If you want to add a wife's name, then the name of Kami's in the Pierre party

Maa Annapurna Yojana : Documentation of the necessary support evidence
  1. Form and photo
  2. Copy of election card
  3. Copy of ration card
  4. aadhar card
  5. Income pattern
  6. Copy of bank passbook
Vahan Akasmat Sahay Yojana Application Form : Download
Akasmat Sahay Yojana GR : Download
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