Visva Yog Daivas School Program Aheval 2020 PDF - Download

[Visva Yog Daivas] School Aheval 2020 : A celebration of the program "Dikri ni Salam Desh ne Name" was organized in the primary school on the 5th January 2020. The flag ceremony was celebrated in the school grounds on the occasion of the Republic Day on January 7, 2020, just like every other year before the headquarters.

Visva Yog Daivas School Program Aheval 2020 PDF - Download
Visva Yog Daivas School Program Aheval 2020 PDF - Download

Visva Yog Day Ujavni File PDF

The flag was hoisted at the hands of the most educated daughter in the village singing the national anthem along with the children and the village. After this, the cultural program that the school children prepared was introduced by the children. Then at the end of the cultural program, the prize for the children was given by the leading person in the village. Following the cultural program of the school, under the program "Dikri ni Salam Desh ne Name", the school-born daughter and her parents were provided with the school staff and S.P. like this . C. Honors were given by the members and they were given a 'certificate of honor'.

Under the "Beti Bachao Beti Padhao", the school principal explained to the people of the village that "Women education is important today for the benefit of women.

The main objective of this scheme is to eliminate the prevailing disparities in the number of men and women and provide a bright future for girls academically and economically. "Later, the most educated daughter in the village was honored and given a commemorative mark. Then the 'Guardian Convention' was organized. They include the school principal and S.K. like this . C. The physical needs of the children and the school were discussed at the school level by the members of. School and village cleaning "epidemics etc. were also discussed. Parents should pay adequate attention to the education of the children and the school and the school staff should be supported by the parents and parents should be free from addiction.

Visva Yog Daivas School Program Aheval 2020 PDF - Download

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