Bisag Karyakram 21-04-2020 na Mudda pdf

Bisag Karyakram 21-04-2020 na Mudda pdf | Man no Malo Ane Study From Home Abhiyan Antargat Mananity Shixanmantri shree na Bisag Karyakram na Muddao

Respect the Education Minister's instructions today
Family nest constant and warm literature not just forwarding everyone to see.
The class teacher discusses with the child / parent during the week and becomes aware of its progress.
Study From Home Literature If not using the phone, it is good to arrange a hard copy, if necessary (it is allowed to go to school and call one or two teachers where necessary).
Join an online course.
The call will come from the Command and Control cell.
If there is a tough issue then make a video and put a YouTube link.
 Today, as per the instructions of the conference, before forwarding any material under the study form home, the teacher should look at that class or subject. The command control cell will randomly call from it.

 Classroom teacher creates a WhatsApp group of his students. Group the material he uses and send it to.

Honorable T.S.Joshi sir
Pre-built role

Mr. Taraiya Saheb
- Psychotherapy talked
- To take care of health
- How to make this time of corona virus a quality one for children.
- What kind of care to take as a guardian.
- What kind of mental role are children going through right now through observation.

Honorable Minister of Education
- How the care of a government school differs from that of a private school.
- At this time the performance of the teacher and all the CRC and BRC has been noted from the upper level.
- Performed 80% to 90% of the given literature.

Gujarat is the No.1 in India.
- The talk with the guardians in the video conference on 15th May was encouraging.
- Every teacher talks to his child's guardian by phone.
-Children's morning and evening hours - Try to study the literature given to the child for hours.
- The effort you put in is noted. E.g. Kutch teacher's example. Gave.
- Nothing is lost.
- Taken by a top ranking officer of sampled operations, he noted.
- Thank you for giving me one day's salary. The Minister himself will talk to the teacher who helps more.
- Paper verification is definitely done.
- Talked about inspiring events. The prisoners of Surat have provided the proceeds for this purpose. The daughter of the man gave a 5 / - and other refreshing talk.
- Better to wear a mask than a ventilator. Better a poor horse than no horse at all. Better a poor horse than no horse at all.
- Reviews will be taken from the conference later.
- From now on, if this activity is not joined, then the teacher should join.
- This type of Gujarat performance is excellent.

Thanks ...

Bisag Karyakram 21-04-2020 na Mudda pdf
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