On Line Nominations for 2020-21 under revamped INSPIRE Award Scheme - MANAK

On Line Nominations for 2020-21 under revamped INSPIRE Award Scheme - MANAK.  Regarding the above subject, it is to be mentioned that under INSPIRE Award scheme - MANAK, online school registration and nomination for the year 2020-21 has started from 1st June 2020.  This requires all schools to complete the registration and nomination process.  This has also been discussed in the VC with the Principal.  In this regard, it is requested to coordinate with the concerned representatives in the district and make efforts to make more and more on-line nominations.

 The project submitted by the schools by the district authority has to be approved by the cinosis and forwarded to the state authority.  Inform all schools from your level.  The project synopsis has to be uploaded with all the details required during the nomination.  Not to upload a video about the project.  During the on-line nomination, regarding the name of the student, you should make a special emphasis on the same name that is in the bank account and also the correct name of the student's bank account.

 Pursuant to Subject 2 above, NIF seeks to provide information on On Line nominations for 2020-21 through video meetings with Diet Science Advisors and District BRCs, CRCs and teachers.  In this regard, in order to maintain representation from your level to the district, 50 to 60 participants are selected and asked to send the information in the prescribed form to NIF (inspire@nifindia.org) by e-mail.

 Include the name of the district, name of the participants, name of BRC / CRC / school, e-mail, contact number and name and contact number of the science consultant.  More information can be found at www.inspireawards-dst.gov.in.

On Line Nominations for 2020-21 under revamped INSPIRE Award Scheme - MANAK

Inspire Award Paripatra 2020

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