Mukhya Shikshak (HTAT) na Prashno Hal Karva Babat - Gujarat Shikshak Sangh

Mukhya Shikshak (HTAT) na Prashno Hal Karva Babat - Gujarat Shikshak Sangh ni Rajuat no Letter.

Subject: Matter of resolving the following questions of the Head Teacher (HTAT) .. Greetings, Jai Bharat Saha Aapshree on the above subject to inform that the Head Teacher (HTAT) has been on duty in the primary schools of the State since 2012 who are requested to solve the following questions.

 (1) To cancel the Head Teacher (HTAT) slaying camp permanently and place the slain headmaster (HTAT) in his / her original school.  Aras - To make provision for purse exchange.

 (2) To appoint Head Teacher (HTAT) in all schools of Std. 1 to 8 irrespective of the number.

 (3) HTAT Salary Standard Matter: Head Teachers (Htat) are not harmed by adopting the following formula in the matter of higher pay scale.

 Gave 4400 grade pay in HTAT from the date of appointment.  Provided with 5400 grade pay.

 To give a hypothetical addition to the promoted head teachers (HTAT).  Benefits of Salary Scale of 9-20-31 to Head Teacher (HTAT) Direct Recruitment / Promotion After paying 4400 Grade Pay from Head Teacher (HTAT) Appointment Date, request for higher pay scale as per the following formula.

 (A) To give two higher pay scales as per grade pay in 9 years 4600 / - and in 20 years 5400 / - from head to head teacher (HTAT) who have joined by direct recruitment or promotion and have not got any higher pay scale.

 (B) To give two higher pay scales as per grade in 9 years 4600 / - and in 20 years 5400 - grades to those Head Teachers (HTAT) who have joined by direct recruitment or promotion as Head Teachers (HTAT) by obtaining a higher pay scale from the teaching cadre.

 (C) Headmasters (HTAT) who have joined the recruitment or promotion as Headmaster (HTAT) by obtaining the second higher pay scale of 4400 / - Grade Pay from the teaching cadre for 9 years from the date of enrollment in Headmaster (HTAT) or in a row  To give higher salary standard with 5400 / grade pay considering the earlier date of 31 years.  Provision for promotion in TPEO by making provision for departmental examination of Head Teacher (HTAT) if the grade pay of both Head Teacher (HTAT) and Education Inspector is the same.

  Directly recruited Headmaster (HTAT) from subsidized primary, secondary, higher secondary schools, Adhyapan Mandir, PTC and BEd colleges to protect his last salary and consider his job in a row for all purposes.

 In view of the above matters, the Head Teacher (HTAT) is requested to take appropriate decision immediately and resolve the questions of the Head Teachers.

Mukhya Shikshak (HTAT) na Prashno Hal Karva Babat - Gujarat Shikshak Sangh

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