Systematic Education Training Unconstrained “SETU”


Enhancing School Governance and Capabilities of Government Primary School Head-teachers through Blended Learning


• To enhance knowledge of Governance, School Development Plan and Infrastructure and its effective use among head-teachers.

• Enable them to apply such knowledge to their specific school environments through action research projects.

• Link content with factual or proven information for appropriate synthesis and relation leading to effective implementation.

• Extracting and compilation of factual and appropriate experience based information from teachers through assignments and projects for policy consolidation.


• Demonstrate the feasibility of alternative training delivery approaches, which can be adopted by GCERT/DIETs.

• The platform allows for scalability in the future, leading to cost-effectiveness; offering alternative platform for use by GCERT/DIETs.

• Developing decentralized district-level models of blended learning that can involve self-study by teachers and DIET-based learning.

• The inbuilt evaluation of training programs will provide insights for formulation and design of future capacity building techniques.


• Good Governance

• School Development Plan

• Infrastructure and its effective use.

These are as per government policy guidelines.

All these major subjects are further divided in to sub-major and up to topic level. The expected target is of 1000 

Head teachers and the time duration is maximum upto a period of six months


• Illustration of the content through cases in text or video form (innovations drawn from the EI Bank) or links to external open-access sources (possibly in English).

• Self-study by the participants.

• Use of the mobile phone discussion forum/ Facebook page for discussion and peer learning

METHODOLOGY- Application

• The training shall be imparted in two stages

1. Onsite-Orientation at IIMA – 1100 Head Teacher

2. Online 3-month Training Programme

EI-Bank will host the technology platform and operate it from its premises and will also conduct other digital management.

Onsite orientation 

• Generating a shared understanding of the training approach, expectations, the demands that will made of the 

participants, the project submissions to be made by the participants, the assessment of their performance, and the procedures to be followed.

• Communicating the background to the three modules mentioned earlier through three introductory lectures to be delivered by identified experts. 

Online training MODE

• The platform will be created and based on the current EI Bank website ( 

• Every participant will have password based access to the project page which will be provided to the participants. 

• There will be facilities for one-to-many communication from RJMCEI.

• A helpline for participants.

• Hosting of videos on innovations in governance by teachers and school management committees (from the EI Bank resources).

• Lecture notes in pdf format in Gujarati language and other relevant material and also digital/video material.

Online training- SCAFFOLDING

 A discussion forum on mobile phone that is currently in operation will be extended to the participants.

• Participation in this forum is voluntary, but the results will be shared with all the participants.

• In this forum teachers will be motivated to share their work and experiences.

• A Facebook page will be created where initiatives of these participating teachers will be shared with other teachers. 

• Every participant will carry out a project based on the training.

Testing Tools

• Pre-test will be conducted of all the participants before start of the training and a post test will be conducted after completion of training.

• Every participant will do one project and one assignment and will submit to EI-Bank

• Digital and video Submission by teachers pertaining to project and assignments.


• Digital copies of content of training module.

• Digital database of projects submitted by the participants.

• Digital database of pre-test and post-test of the participants and analysis of the same.

• Mobile based discussion forum and related database.

• Facebook page of the participants and discussion record.

• Apart from the assessment of participant knowledge and attitudes, pre- and post-project, a qualitative assessment will be done

Systematic Education Training Unconstrained “SETU”


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