Concerning the Survey of Out-of-School (Non-Schooling) Children Year 2020-21, Reference: Hon.  This letter is based on the approval received on the SPDT note.

 Never-enrolled and drop-out children are surveyed annually by the project staff under the entire education, the survey of children who are disadvantaged by the education of 6- to 18-year-olds under the whole education project.  M  C.  Is done through.  The survey process covers all out-of-school children including Notified, Unnotified, Unseed, Habitation, Disability in the slum Arc area.  For this year, the Pune survey is carried out by the district.

 The following are the factors to consider for conducting this survey.  R .  T  E.  As per the provision of section 4 (e) of Chapter 2 of the Act, 2009, the responsibility of identifying and nominating all children between the ages of 6 and 14 shall be those of the school and the teachers.  They have to identify the Never Enrolled children coming into their school area and nominate them at the age-wise standard.  That the survey should cover all children who have never attended school in the area assigned to the project.

 Drop-out children's information from Aadhaar Dias Information  I.  Will have to get from S.  All these dope-out kids will have to be reaffirmed and made sure they get nominated next year.

 4.  In order to survey Never Enrolled Children, the DPCs / Faculty shall be responsible for assigning a teacher per village / ward to the taluka and cluster of the entire education project staff.

 5.  A soft copy of the survey form has been sent to the District / Corporation by e-mail to the District Office.  The survey form should be printed along with the printed number as per the requirement of the father, from the district / corporation level to the rate contract according to the enclosure enclosed by Xerox or price sheet.  The survey foam will be spent under the Special Training Program Head in the Budget 2019-20 for the District and Corporation.  T  P.  (12-month).

 6.  Guardians must also explain the importance of education through community mobilization while surveying Never Enrolled Children.  General Chat Chat Lounge  The survey will include children from social security, remand homes, women conservation houses, voluntary organizations, shelter home classes, forest areas, bat areas, desert areas, coastal areas and scattered mountainous areas.

 7. Notified and unnoticed as well as slum in the urban area.  Special survey of children in the vicinity of railway stations, religious sites, traffic signals, theaters.

 8.  Each of the district level co.  The auditor will have to monitor the allocation of talukas.  As well as surveys will have to be broadly disseminated at the local village level.  To advertise on the notice board of the Gram Panchayat, in collaboration with local leaders, regarding survey at the nearest school colleges, technical institutions.  As well as the use of social media, the survey will be disseminated through Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube and Twitter.

 9.  Online entry in Google Forms from CRC / BRC level  R .  P.  Will be by Kaswani.

 10.  S for the survey.  T  The child class of P class will have to eat before and after the class as well as during the holidays.

 Is.  The out-of-school children must be enrolled in the VER / WER available at the district corporation school level.

 12.  Survey  Effective 01/02/2020  Must be done by 28/02/2020.

 13.  Upon completion of the survey, each district / corporation will have to issue a certificate for survey of out-of-school children according to the kermat involved.

 14. To coordinate with the district / corporation level for the survey to get support from other departments like Wild Labor Department, Health Department, Social Security Department, Women and Child Welfare Department etc.

 15.  The DPC Secretary / Prosecutor shall have to carry out this activity in coordination with the DEO.  It is very important to get the data of Never Enrolcd State's children and the state government needs these statistics while making many policy decisions to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the survey and conduct the survey work in your district carefully.  With the help of all employees, make sure that every rural and urban area is covered.


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