Adhar Dise Kamgiri Babate Parishisht 1-2 | Aacharya ane Taluka Leval ni Suchanao

Adhar Dise Kamgiri Babate Parishisht 1-2 | Aacharya ane Taluka Leval ni Suchanao. Std 1 na New Student ni Online Entry Ane Anya Babate Suchano.

Appendix- 1

 The following instructions have to be followed from the school level under Aadhaar Dias.

  1.  In the year 2020-21, the head teacher / principal / teacher of the school will have to update / track the entry of Std-1 and the information of all the students of Std-2 to 12 from the school login.
  2.  In the year 2020-21, the head teacher / principal / teacher of the school will have to make the entry of Std-1 in English only.
  3.  In the year 2020-21, the information of the students can be updated online by clicking on the link provided by the school for updating the students one by one from Std-1 to Std-12.
  4.  Display RED button if updating and GREEN button if not updated.
  5.  In the year 2020-21, all the information of the student will come by entering the “18 digit base unique code” of the students who have been transferred from Std. 1 to 12 from another school and pressing Search, then the new admission number (GR, number) of the student and missing student  Students will have to be tracked by filling in the information.
  6.  It will be the responsibility of the school principal to fill in the information of all the students of the school.  If a student's information is incorrect or will have to be filled out and as a result of which students will not be able to get online attendance, scholarship or other benefits on the basis of unique ID, then the full responsibility will be on the principal of that school.
  7.  The information of all the above students will have to be updated periodically at the online school level.  And the information updated in hardcopy at school level has to be certified by the principal / headmaster with the signature of the chairperson of SMC and all the forms which have to be kept in file for record at school level.
  8.  Government Granted / Central / Ashram / Private schools have to login and complete the entry, updation and tracking work under Aadhaar Enable Dias within the time limit which should be noted by each school.

 Appendix- 2

 Under Aadhar Dias, work has to be done from taluka level as per the following instructions.

  1.  According to the CRS and SRS report of your district for admission in Std. 1, the number of children eligible for admission in the year 2020 has been sent to Taluka MIS which will have to be entered in Aadhaar and Dial as per the target of CRS and SRS report.
  2.  To conduct entry tracking of students in all schools of the state having government / subsidized / non-subsidized as well as other boards other than Gujarat Board having Std. 1 to 12
  3.  Taluka MISA will have to ensure that all the government / granted / central / ashram / private schools of Std. 1 to 12 of their taluka are ADDed online in Aadhaar and Able Dias.  And all taluka MISAs will have to keep their taluka's SCHOOL MASTER support online updated online.
  4.  BRC / Block MISA Block MISA will have to continuously monitor whether all the schools in the taluka have started operations from taluka level and anti-update and tracking operations.
  5.  Block to Block MISA will have to verify 100% of the schools in its taluka.
  6.  The BRC / CRC co-ordinators will have to verify whether the students' information is consistently filled except for the Aadhaar enabled diarrhea in the schools only.
  7.  A list of untracked students can be obtained from the login of the district / block which will have to find the untracked students of that standard and enroll them in the standard of that school.  Which can reduce the dropout.
  8.  The responsibility of filling in the information online from the school level will be done by the entire education block MIS Coordinator Data Entry Operator and the staff of the District DEO office.
Adhar Dise Online Entry : Click here

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