Night 9:00 pm thi Morning 5:00 am Sudhi curfew no Chust Amal Karva Babat

Night 9:00 pm thi Morning 5:00 am Sudhi curfew no Chust Amal Karva Babat

Strict and effective enforcement of curfew from 09:00 pm to 05:00 am as indicated in the Home Department's manifesto for transition control of COVID-19.

 Reference: Home Department, Government of Gujarat, Secretariat, Gandhinagar.  30/05/2020 Congratulations on the above subject and reference that the Home Department has issued a notification from the relevant letter to control the transition of COVID-19.  The Sadarhu declaration states that in all the city-district areas of the state, from 09:00 pm to 05:00 am, it is stated to ensure that no person or vehicle is allowed to move except in case of emergency.

Breaking News Tonight, the Central Government's strict stance on curfew will not be allowed on any road from 9 pm to 5 am.

 The vehicle of the violator will be detained and fined and a case of violation of legal curfew will be filed. Be vigilant. Be safe. Avoid going out at night.

 All the Commissioners of Police, Rej Vadashri / Superintendent of Police are instructed to implement the above instructions strictly and effectively.  As per the order of Director General of Police and Head of Police Force

Night 9:00 pm thi Morning 5:00 am Sudhi curfew no Chust Amal Karva Babat

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