30-30 STEM Online Saptahik Karyakram Babat Paripatra for Maths-Science Teachers

30-30 STEM Online Saptahik Karyakram Babat Paripatra for Maths-Science Teachers. Subject: 30-30 STEM Online Weekly Program Matter. To state under the above subject that I.I.T. , Gandhinagar and IISER. , Pune has launched an online weekly program called ૩30-30 STEM. The purpose of this program is to enliven the classroom by knowing the features of mathematics and science attached to the curriculum.

The program will try to overcome the fear of subject suffixes through interesting stories connected with the subject of mathematics and science. Questions asked by teachers during the program will also be answered.

Respect. The program has been launched by the Minister of Education (Government of India) by tweeting. Teacher friends will have to register for this program https://ccllitgn.ac.in/3030STEM00421187242. This program is completely free.

The program, which will begin on August 16, will run every Sunday from 4 to 5 p.m. for 30 weeks. , Will be broadcast on the YouTube channel of "Center for Creative Learning" in Gandhinagar https://youtube.com/IITGVCL. There will be 2-3 questions in the description of the video of each program. Teachers who submit answers to all week program questions will be given a certificate for this training by Samagra Shiksha, Gandhinagar.

In view of the above details, all the teachers of Mathematics and Science subjects of Std. 6 to 12 of all the schools under your jurisdiction are encouraged to participate in this program.

Subject: - Regarding holding video conference with BRC Coordinator and Taluka Primary Education Officer. Therefore, students are being imparted home based education through various mediums under the "Home Learning" program.

Under the "Home Learning" program, an educational program is broadcast for the students of Std-3 to 12 through the DD Girnar channel of Doordarshan Kendra and a virtual class has been started for the students of Std-9 to 12.

A video conference has been organized with the BRC Coordinator and Taluka Primary Education Officer through Microsoft Teams on the following date and time to review the Home Learning 'program and make it more effective.

A link to join the video conference will be sent out at 11:00 a.m. that day. Must be present in the above video conference.

Subject: "Regarding the selection and uploading of paintings and essays under Gandaki Mukt Bharat Abhiyan, according to the above subject and context, to state that at present in the state under" Gandaki Mukt Bharat Abhiyan "from 08/08/2020 to 15/08/2020 on a daily basis. Scheduled activities are being carried out.

Accordingly, as stated in the letter dated 31/07/2020 of MHRD Government of India, the best three (3) works of painting and the best three (3) works of essay of your district have to be selected at the district level and uploaded on the link given here. In this regard, it is requested to give necessary instructions to the concerned staff handling the operation of "Dirt Free India Campaign" in your district.

According to the above topic and context, periodic assessment test was conducted in July for the students of Std. You are requested to take further action from your level in view of the following matters regarding the test to be taken in the month of August.

Environment test in Std. 3 to 5 and Science and Social Science subject in Std. 6 to 8 in the month of August. To be held between 27th and 28th August. By 26/08/2020, the test should reach the students in hardcopy or softcopy.

Ta. All medium tests will be made available on GCERT website (www.gcert.gujarat.gov.in) on 27/08/2020 as well as Gujarati medium test which can be seen in the first QR code of the first chapter of the textbook of that subject.

The student is expected to write from home under the supervision of the head of the test parent and at the convenience of the student. The purpose of the test is to know the progress of the student. It is desirable that the students give the test in a fear-free and stress-free environment. Test answer book Dat. It is desirable to be delivered to the school through the guardian by 05/09/2020. .

30-30 STEM Online Saptahik Karyakram Babat Paripatra for Maths-Science Teachers 

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