ETB (Energised Textbook) Contant Mate Shikshako no AbhiPray Aapva Babat Letter and Link

ETB (Energised Textbook) Content Feedback Form Link: Subject - Rating of e-material given in Energide Textbook. It is kindly stated that for Gujarati medium in the state, it has been prepared as Energy ... Textbook (ETB) by placing QR Codes in the textbooks of all subjects of Std. 1 to 8 (except Std. 8 Social Science). The e-material provided in this ETB is linked for the purpose of helping students, subject teachers as well as parents in that standard.

Therefore, it is very important to have instinctiveness in the quality, usefulness as well as presentation of this e-material. In this regard, I would like to inform you that all the teachers working in your district should scan the QR codes given in the textbooks of the relevant subject / subjects of the standard in which they are teaching and rate and evaluate in the format given on the DIKSHA platform attached to it. In addition to this, by preparing a thematic comment on what kind of e-material should be available where they feel the need, their CRCCO was given a date. Will be submitted by September 25, 2020.

Each C.R.C.O. After verifying that this work has been done by all the schools in their cluster, the subject wise details will be given to BRCCO by 28th September, 2020. Each B.R.C.O. Gathering the details of all their clusters, the district diet. Will be submitted by September 30, 2020. By compiling all the information received by the district diet in a subject wise manner, GCERT dated. Sent by October 5, 2020.

ETB (Energised Textbook) Content Feedback Form Link

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QR Code

Note: Teachers, CRCs, BRCs as well as diet professors who are not registered on the DIKSHA platform are required to register in their own name first. Procedure for Responding to Energized Textbooks Method-1 As shown in the letter, the teacher, If BRCCO wants to respond to the QR code of the issue, they can scan the link or QR code below. This link will open a Google form attached to the QR code, in which you can select the standard, topic and chapter and respond

ETB (Energised Textbook) Contant Mate Shikshako no AbhiPray Aapva Babat Letter and Link

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