gpmbooks is Gujarat Pathyapustak Mandal official website domain name. Pustak Vachak Spardha 2020 na Vijeta Balako ni Online Entry Karva Babat
Winner for organizing online book fair under 'Book Reader Competition 2018-20'. / RMSA / Model | A book reader competition was organized for the students of Model Day Secondary (Std. 9) and Higher Secondary (Std. 11) schools from school level to district level.
The winning students in this competition are given bookfare coupons as an incentive prize. It was decided that the bookfare coupon would be used by the students to buy the books of their choice for the same amount including the prize discount from the book fair to be organized in their district. Due to the situation of Kovid-12 at that time, the book fair organized at the district level was postponed.
In the present circumstances, the winners of the book reading competition can use their prize money to purchase the books of their choice, with reference to the organization of an online book fair in collaboration with the Gujarati Publishers' Association, Ahmedabad.
Website has been prepared by Gujarati Prakashak Mandal - Ahmedabad for organizing online book fair. In this website, in the first phase, all the CRCs in the state have to upload the details of all the students who have won the competition from school level to district level in their cluster schools. For this, on an experimental basis, CRC Co.O. of Gandhinagar district.
The work of uploading the details of the students and the principals of the affiliated schools has been largely completed by. Each CRC Coordinator provides unique IDs of all the winning students in their cluster. And the details of the winning class (school / cluster / block / district) of the students, as well as the names of the principals of the affiliated schools, along with the details of mobile number and e-mail address should be entered in the website. -: 199 E: VAss CRC Co.O.
on the website for future 'Online' Book Fair '. The winning student will be given a login only with the help of the updated name, mobile number and e-mail address of the principal of the affiliated school, of which special note should be taken.
Based on the details to be uploaded on the website by the CRC Coordinator, further action related to the online book fair will be taken, so that each CRC Coordinator In all seriousness, it is imperative to upload details with sufficient accuracy. During the online book fair to be held in the near future, CRC Co.O.
If any question arises regarding the details uploaded by, the concerned CRC will be at its own risk. All CRC COOs should take special note.
A guide for uploading the details of the winning students and the principals of the affiliated schools on the website is included herewith. In view of which all the CRC coordinators of your district are requested to upload all the details related to the online book fair of their cluster with sufficient accuracy on the date mentioned in the form below., gpmbooks registration, gpmbooks login, gpmbooks online, gpmbook product, gpmbooks service, gpmbooks school
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Pustak Vachak Spardha 2020 na Vijeta Balako ni Online Entry Karva Babat
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