CM Corona Warriors Sanman Yojana COVID-19 Corona virus.

Mukhya mantri Corona Warriors Sanman Yojana, CM Corona Warriors Honor Scheme COVID-19 Corona virus. Matter of paying honorarium as an incentive to the officers / employees on duty at Government COVID-10 Hospital under CM Corona Warriors Honor Scheme COVID-19 Corona virus.

The world's coronavirus COVID-19 has been declared pandemic by the WHO.  In view of the prevailing situation of COVID-19 prevailing in the state, "The Gujarat Epidemiological Regulation, 2010" has been issued in the state by notification of this department under the Epidemic Diseases Act - 1897. Various effective measures have been taken to prevent this disease in the state as per Government of India guidelines.  came .

 Various measures are being taken by the state government to meet the effects of Corona virus COVID-19 and disease control operations have been intensified.  A proposal has been submitted to the department by the aforesaid Commissioner's Office (Health) to give special impetus to the unprecedented and unparalleled performance of the health workers and officers in the event of an epidemic caused by the spread of COVID-19 virus.

 Examining the proposal, it was stated that the research on corona virus has been done by the neighboring states of Gujarat and Government of Rajasthan, Government of Madhya Pradesh, Government of Telangana and other states to applaud the work of government medical officers / paramedical staff in treating corona patients.

 Resolution :
 The implementation of Chief Minister Korona Warriors Honor Scheme by the Government of Gujarat was under consideration.  At the end of adult consideration, the government coVID-19 hospitals set up by the state government for the treatment of corona infection are in direct contact with patients in diagnosis, examination, treatment by doctors, paramedical staff, coVID-19 hospital cleaners, lab technicians, as well as suspicious corona samples.  Officers / employees associated with have worked for a period of 30 days or more  He is an honorary appointments to the remuneration of special incentives in the form of the frame is written down at once by the State Government.

CM Corona Warriors Sanman Yojana COVID-19 Corona virus.

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