Free food basket according to ration card Babat Paripatra

Free food basket Distribution Timetable. Details of Resolution of (2) referred to by the State Government in the context of lockdown due to widespread impact of Corona (COVID - 19) virus: 1.04 lakh NON - NESA APL - 1 free “food basket” for cardholders of the State in the month of April - 2020 and in this regard Organized a food distribution program based on the previous number in the booklet number printed on the ration card across the state and continued the distribution even after that. Was distributed. However, as per April-2020, a total of 61.10 lakh NON-NFSA APL-1 cardholders and 25 million people have to be distributed free of cost as per the following "food baskets".

As per online abstract summary for May 2020, Annexure A to distribute 100% of wheat, rice, sugar, chickpeas / chickpeas district wise for 100.10 lakh NON - NFSA APL - 1 level card holders and 25 million population. Involved with this. The PDS software developed and implemented by NIC includes a Scheme for free distribution to all these Non-NFSA APL-1 cardholders for the month of May 2020, and for free withdrawal and distribution to fair price shopkeepers, to take any action regarding payment of currency by shopkeepers. Does not live.

The amount of commission payable to the fair price shopkeepers for the above distribution will be credited directly to their registered bank account by the Civil Supplies Corporation at the end of May. Distribution for NON - NFSA - APL - 1 cardholders will start from 07/05/2020 as per the announcement made by the Government. The timetable for the distribution system will be as follows. According to the last issue of the beneficiary's ration card, it is requested to spread the word at the local level to come to the fair price shop to collect the quantity on the specified date, so that the beneficiaries can get enough information.

NON - NFSA APL - As per the distribution made in the month of April, 30/04/2020, the form showing the details of the last distribution is attached herewith. With regard to the distribution of Sadarhu, the appeal made by the Government to the well-to-do people to give up voluntarily has received a wide response. Out of a total of 61,04,090 cardholders in the state, 42,55,011 cardholders have availed the benefit of free distribution. According to which an average of 69.7% is distributed. In view of the above fact, it is requested to see that 75% of the total requirement is distributed from the godowns in the first phase. So that the amount of savings can be utilized from the godown for another scheme. Please tell the relatives to be very careful about this matter. In case of requirement of more than 75% quantity, data entry will be monitored on daily basis and additional quantity will be allotted with the approval of the office.

Therefore, in case of offline, timely data entry will be a very important matter for which the District Supply Officer is requested to be informed. Assistance of local village guards, home guards and police to ensure that the fair price shop is not crowded, social distance is maintained, distribution is done peacefully, smoothly and necessary notes are kept in the local register to be maintained and law and order is maintained at the time of distribution. The following arrangements have to be made for distribution by.

In a rural area

a. Village Sarpanch / Local Protagonist

b. Talati cum Minister (Panchayat / Revenue) or Gram Sevak

c. Is a teacher. Village Rakshak Dal, Home Guard / Police

In urban areas

a, social worker / voluntary organization representative

b. Teacher / other government employee

c. Home guard, police

Food by fair price shopkeeper in case of offline delivery, no. Pu and Gra. Dt. Necessary note should be made in Form 4-A and 4-B prescribed in the resolution dated 01/03/2018, which should be verified immediately by the concerned Deputy Mamlatdar. The fair price of the quantity delivered offline will have to be constantly monitored by the shopkeeper to ensure that the data is entered into the PDS system immediately. The above instructions are the same as the other instructions which are requested to be followed at the district level and to make arrangements for monitoring.

Free food basket according to ration card Babat Paripatra

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