COVID-19 Antargat Kendra Sarkar ane Rajya Sarkar ni Suchanao no Amal Karva Babat Mehsana Jilla no Letter

COVID-19 Antargat Kendra Sarkar ane Rajya Sarkar ni Suchanao no Amal Karva Babat Mehsana Jilla no Letter. Currently, measures have been announced to control the epidemic of corona virus (Covid - 19) in view of the corona infection situation. In this regard, various instructions have been given from time to time for taluka panchayats as well as gram panchayats. Strictly follow these instructions and a detailed report of the action taken in this regard has been directed to report the relevant activity / action to all the villages under your jurisdiction every Monday and Thursday. The various instructions of the Central Government and the State Government are directed to carry out the necessary planning and implementation for smooth implementation at the village level.

With regard to the concessions given to laborers from different districts or other states to come and go in their hometowns, such people are also likely to come to the villages of your taluka. With this in mind, a movement register should be maintained at the village level and for those who enter the village to undergo a medical checkup by the Taluka Health Officer in a video conference with the Taluka Health Officer to ensure proper implementation of the instructions given here. . If such people have to set up an isolation center quarantine center when they enter the village, the village primary school, secondary school or other well-equipped center should be kept in consultation with the taluka health officer as per the guideline of the government. And as per the advice and guidance of the Taluka Health Officer regarding the facilities in this building, necessary facilities and arrangements have to be made. In particular, toilets, bathing arrangements and meals should be provided. If it is in a primary school, all the primary schools have separate toilets for adolescents and teenagers, which can be used and one of these toilets can also be used as a bathing system. In particular, necessary arrangements have to be made so that these people do not have full contact with other villagers. And the responsibility in this regard will have to be handed over to the Sarpanch and Talati cum Minister. Large scale IEC activities will also have to be done in this regard.

The lockdown instructions of the government should be strictly implemented and the rules of social distance should be followed regarding personal contact among the people and also all the provisions regarding distribution of literature should be observed. Such quarantined persons will have to arrange necessary meals, tea and meals for each quarantined person with social distance by arranging meals if they are comfortable with the local luncheon administrator if they are comfortable. Arrangements such as masks, sanitizers, hand gloves, sterilization will have to be ensured especially for the employees directly involved in this operation. Thus, the above instructions have to be strictly followed in all the gram panchayats under your taluka.

COVID-19 Antargat Kendra Sarkar ane Rajya Sarkar ni Suchanao no Amal Karva Babat Mehsana Jilla no Letter

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