Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Logo and Tagline Regarding Letter

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Logo and Tagline Regarding Letter. Subject: - Betty Bachao Betty Padhao (BBBP) matter.  Pursuant to the above subject and reference, the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India  According to the letter dated 23-06-2020, the objective of the "Save Betty Betty Padhao" (BBBP) program is to ensure gender equality.

 5 years have passed since the implementation of this scheme.  Over the past five years, innovative information has been taken to reduce the child sex ratio (CSR) and promote the value of the child.  The issue has been put into public discourse as a result of the collective (real) and integrated approach taken at the national, state and district levels.

 Achieving the objectives and goals of "Save Betty Betty Padhao" requires a consistent approach to representing the collective commitment of the government.  Include the "Save Betty Teach Betty" logo and tagline to include the BBBP logo and tagline on Carey's stationery, letterheads, file folders and visiting cards.

 Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India  Considering the letter dated 23/06/2020, your office as well as all the offices under your jurisdiction and all the primary schools under your jurisdiction are asked to give necessary instructions in this regard.

Intensive work is being carried out by the state government to fight Corona.  Under the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897, for the purpose of dealing with the effects of Corona virus Covid-19 as well as the prevention and control of the disease.  "The Gujarat Epidemic Regulation 2020" has been implemented from the declaration of 13/03/2020.

 In order to prevent the spread of the disease by the state government, a person who does not wear a face mask or his face is not covered with any kind of clothes in public places and work places as well as during vehicle transactions should be informed by the Home Department.  From the declaration dated 30/05/2020, Rs.  200 / - as well as Rs.  A penalty of Rs. 200 / - has been provided.

 3.  Status and name of Corona by State Government.  As per the instruction of the High Court, instead of the provision of different amount of fine for non-wearing of mask by different authorities, provision has been made to provide a uniform penalty in the entire state which is followed by increasing the amount of fine in the whole state to Rs.1000 / -.  This declaration is applicable from 11/08/2020.  The powers to levy penalty in this regard will remain the same as per the declaration dated 15/06/2020-GP / 20 / NCP / 102020 / SFS-1G.  By order of the Governor of Gujarat and in his name.

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Logo and Tagline Regarding Letter

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