DIKSHA Platform par Uplabdh E-Content na Upyog na Prachar Prasar Babat GCERT no Paripatra

DIKSHA Platform par Uplabdh E-Content na Upyog na Prachar Prasar Babat GCERT no Paripatra and Jilla Wise Percentage

 Subject - Promoting the use of e-content available on DIKSHA platform ... Sir, to state under the above subject that students from all states as well as teachers from the national level have access to e-content for teaching and learning according to their needs.  DIKSHA) platform has been launched.

 E-content has been prepared and placed on this platform for students, parents and teachers of Gujarat.  This e-content can be obtained by scanning the QR codes given in the textbooks in addition to the DIKSHA website.  The information attached to the enclosure with this letter states the total content viewed on the DIKSHA platform in the last two weeks. 

Observing the district-wise list, it appears that the share of Ahmedabad district in the total content viewed in the state is more than 33%, while the content in other districts is not used as expected.  Therefore, students, parents as well as teachers are advised to use the digital or e-content placed on DIKSHA in your district for proper publicity.

Subject: - Betty Bachao Betty Padhao (BBBP) matter.  Pursuant to the above subject and reference, the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India  According to the letter dated 23-06-2020, the objective of the "Save Betty Betty Padhao" (BBBP) program is to ensure gender equality.

 5 years have passed since the implementation of this scheme.  Over the past five years, innovative information has been taken to reduce the child sex ratio (CSR) and promote the value of the child.  The issue has been put into public discourse as a result of the collective (real) and integrated approach taken at the national, state and district levels.

 Achieving the objectives and goals of "Save Betty Betty Padhao" requires a consistent approach to representing the collective commitment of the government.  Include the "Save Betty Teach Betty" logo and tagline to include the BBBP logo and tagline on Carey's stationery, letterheads, file folders and visiting cards.

 Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India  Considering the letter dated 23/06/2020, your office as well as all the offices under your jurisdiction and all the primary schools under your jurisdiction are asked to give necessary instructions in this regard.

DIKSHA Platform par Uplabdh E-Content na Upyog na Prachar Prasar Babat GCERT no Paripatra

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