Varg 3 Ane 4 na Karmchario mate Fix Pagar ni Nokari Babat Tharav, 18/01/2017

Varg 3 Ane 4 na Karmchario mate Fix Pagar ni Nokari Babat Tharav, 18/01/2017

Fix pay Babat 18/01/2017 no Paripatra

👉 18/01/2017 નો વર્ગ-૩ અને ૪ના કર્મચારીઓ માટે ફિક્સ પગારની નોકરી બાબતનો ઠરાવ

Matters regarding the plan to make direct recruitment appointments to all the cadres of Class-3 and Class-4 of the State Government as a trial of fixed salary.

 Government of Gujarat Finance Department Resolutions dated 16/02/2007 and 01/08/2006 of the Finance Department in all the categories of Class-3 and Class-4 in the offices of the State Government as part of the austerity policy of the State Government directly from the fixed salary for 5 (five) years.  The policy of making recruitment appointments has been implemented.  Since then, necessary amendments have been made to the said policy from time to time by the Finance Department.

 In the context of the aforesaid policy, the employees appointed on fixed pay in all the cadres of class-3 and class-4 in the offices of the State Government after completion of 5 (five) years of satisfactory service, if they are satisfied with all other conditions of occasional resolutions of the Finance Department.  Remains to be given.

 The five-year higher pay period of employees appointed under this scheme does not take into account any matter related to job related service.

 3. For some time now, the State Government has received representations regarding the fixed salaries fixed under the aforesaid resolutions as well as to improve their conditions of service.  The matter of fixing the amount of fixed salary as well as their terms of service was under consideration of the State Government by the resolution dated 20-01-2015 mentioned in the above reference (6) of the Finance Department.


 1. After careful consideration, the State Government has decided to increase the rate of monthly fixed salary fixed by the resolution dated 20-10-2015 with reference (6) as shown in the following form.

 With the implementation of this increase, the monthly special allowance on fixed salary as well as the annual special increase on special allowance will no longer be available.

 2. The five year higher pay period of employees currently employed under the fixed pay policy does not take into account any employment / service matters.

 The State Government has also made the necessary consideration in this regard and decided that the five year services of the fixed salary employees appointed under the policy of the Finance Department dated 16/02/2006 should be promoted, promoted, higher pay scale and retirement benefits at the time of retirement.  Will have to count.

 3. Further, in the context of the aforesaid policy, it has come to the notice of the Government that even after completion of five years of fixed salary services by the employees appointed on fixed salary, the survey is informed to rectify the situation of delay in appointment in regular pay scale.  After the completion of four years of service of the employees, the relevant office / department will have to take necessary ancillary action to regularize them and taking into account the terms and conditions of all the notices / resolutions regarding the fixed salary of the finance department, they have completed five years satisfactorily.  Immediately after that necessary action will be taken to make regular appointments and orders will have to be made after getting approval from the competent level.

 4. Other provisions as decided from time to time by the Finance Department with respect to the fixed salary policy shall remain unchanged.

 This resolution will have to be implemented from 01/02/2017.  By order of the Governor of Gujarat and in his name.

Varg 3 Ane 4 na Karmchario mate Fix Pagar ni Nokari Babat Tharav, 18/01/2017

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