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Clerk, class-3 cadre and "Office Assistant" for sections of the Secretariat Category-3 - Advertising

Clerk, class-3 cadre and "Office Assistant" for sections of the Secretariat Category-3 - Advertising

➽ Advertiser : -

➽ Post name : -

1. Clerk class - 32. For Secretariat Departments: Office Assistant Class-3

➽ Total Vacancy: -

1. Clerk class - 3 of 1992 total locations2. For Secretariat Departments: 229 posts in Office Assistant Class-3

➽ Form filling dates: -

        12.10.2018  to  02.11.2018

➽ Helpline number: -


➽ Salary scale :-

        Fix Salary 19,950

➽ Age limit: -

        Not less than 18 years old and not more than 33 years

➽ Relaxation in age limits: -

-- 5-year relaxation for women candidates of general category

-- 5 years relaxation for male candidates in reserved categories
-- Qualification for 10-year relaxation in women's reserved seats
-- Additional relaxation will be available for the disabled.

➽ Educational Qualification:-

        H.Sc. (Standard-12)

➽ How to Apply: -

online Apply Web site at:- 

➽ Examination Fee: -

Scheduled caste (SC) - 00

Scheduled Tribe (ST) - 00
Socially and Educationally Backward (SEBC) -100
Ex. Serviceman  - 00
Candidates with physical disability (PH) -00
For General Category Candidates - Examination fee of Rs 100 and Rs 12 Postal charge

➽ Last date to pay fees: -

        06.11.2018  - last date

➽ Examination System: -

1. Written Competitive Test (OMR) Part-1 in the first phase

2. Computer Proficiency Test (Performance) of Part Three of the candidates on the basis of approximate merit of total space

➽ Part - 1

written test: 200 marks
Time: 2 hours


Computer Proficiency Test (Efficiency): 100 marks
Time: 30 minutes

Basic information about computer usage
Must have full knowledge of Gujarati or Hindi or both languages.

  - >> For more information see Official Notification ⤵⤵

➧  more detail download official notification click here Download

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