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SBI Salary Account Benefits
Indian Salary Calculator is an easy way to calculate salary for year 2017-2018 and 2018-2019.
Following are the strp to calcluate the indian salary
1. Calculate Gross Salary:
First Calculate the Gross salary. Gross Salary is calculated by subtracting the Employer's contribution Provident Fund contribution(EPF) and Gratuity from Cost to Company(CTC).
Gross Salary = Cost to Company(CTC) - Employer's PF Contribution(EPF) - Gratuity.
2. Calculate Taxable Income: Taxable income is calculated by subtracting Conveyance Allowance, House Rent Allowance(HRA), Leave Travel Allowance(LTA) Professional Tax, Medical Bills, Medical Insurance, Tax Saving Investments .
About MobiKwik
MobiKwik is a payment app that caters to all your day-to-day payment needs. Manage all your financial needs at one place- from getting credit up to ₹30,000 to Spend Now & Pay Later to making payments to growing your wealth! The limit depends on your usage- the more you use, the more will be your credit limit.
Use the app in 2 ways-
1) Link any bank account via BHIM UPI to make all types of payments
2) Get credit with ZIP at 0 cost to spend now & pay later at 1L+ brands
With SuperCash, our loyalty points, you save up to ₹1000 every month.
With MobiKwik, a payments app, make instant recharges, bill payments, transactions at 1Mn+ brands like IRCTC, Zomato, Swiggy, Grofers, Xiaomi etc. We also keep your data secure. Just sign up using your number & get started!
Use cases of MobiKwik
- Do money transfer, mobile prepaid recharge, postpaid bill payment, utility bills, electricity bill payment, water bill payment, DTH recharge, credit card bill payment, online bill payments like food delivery, grocery, medicine, shopping & more.
- Credit line upto ₹30,000 will help to Spend Now & Pay Later!
Money Transfer
- Fastest money transfer to all banks.
- Transfer money from bank-to-bank account (UPI), wallet to wallet & card to bank.
- Send & receive money via any phone number or bank account directly or make UPI payments with BHIM UPI.
Mobile Recharge
- Do Airtel recharge, VI recharge, Jio recharge, BSNL recharge & other online mobile recharge.
DTH Recharge
- Pay bills for Tata Sky recharge, Airtel DTH recharge, Videocon d2h recharge, Dish TV recharge, Sun Direct recharge. Payment can also be done via ZIP.
Bill Payment
- Pay bills for 300+ billers like MSEB Mumbai, TNEB, WBSEDCL, UPPCL- Urban, Torrent Power Ltd, PSPCL, KSEBL, AVVNL, Bangalore Electricity Supply, etc.
- Pay phone bills, electricity, gas, water, municipality, traffic challan, broadband, gas booking, cable, phone payments, credit card bill payment, rent payment etc via ZIP.
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Important Link
Download SBI Salary Account Circular : Click Here
SBI brings to you an entire range of Salary Accounts, crafted to suit your needs. We offer special Salary Account Packages for varied sectors, such as Central Government, State Government, Defence Forces, Paramilitary Forces, Police Forces, Corporates/ Institutions etc. These comprehensive packages provide a wide range of unique benefits and services, as well as seamless access to the most advanced and secure Net Banking and Mobile Banking services.
Salary Calculator is an application that is capable of saving the working hours, the amount of money worked and search at anytime the day sum of workhours and salary.
-Input day and total hours worked
-Calculate monthly salary
-Search specific day worked.
-Search specific month total worked days and total hours.
-Calculate night shift hours
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