Shala Tatparta Karyakram Day to Day Aayojan | std 1-2 shala Tatparta karyakram Dainik Ayojan


Shala Tatparta Karyakram Day to Day Aayojan | std 1-2 shala Tatparta karyakram Dainik Ayojan
Shala Tatparta computer rise Dainik Aayojan | std 1 Shala Tatparta karyakram Dainik Ayojan pdf

Shala Tatparta Date vise Dinikmati Ayojan for std 1/2
Under the above mentioned subject, the School Preparation Program has been implemented so that the children who take admission in standard 1 this year can establish a symposium with the school environment during the beginning of the school and be motivated to receive education. Schools Ta Started 10/06/2019. If this program is not implemented in approximately 50% of the schools being asked about implementation of the program through command and control, you are told that such children should be told to start their academic work by preserving the school through the School Preparation Program. Is there. So that they get enough days to do their regular academic work.


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