Shixan Sachiv Vinod Rao sir First Video Conference with BRC co. Ordinators, imp Points
Separate al according to criteria mentioned above. Unity file. Silence is provided, as per the roll out. The number wise times that are specified in those criteria. This is available, of course. In this one Sat file, the above Cr Tena Nudjam's school provision (Col. No. 9P) and one kilometer in front of this school. Available at the farm. The details of the area (e. L. O o AII) are shown.
To state with the above subject, Below you will be given the following clier de mujapa wreath. Which is closer. A second printing is available at a distance of less than kilos, information about Avi schools is sent for verification. Criteria - 3
Criteria - 3 Criteria - 3. criteria - 8 slow.
Up to 6 schools. In standards 1 and 2,
no more than 2 School standard for grades 1 to 5.
Get nominated less than Rs. Was All-Nominated From School Sc. Black criteria
Reporting on which school to check the Taluka Teacher Schools of the state, Navjujrat time has started the practice of merging 5121 primary schools in Ahmedabad ti Ajayan, 5121 Primary schools have been started by merging Kandahar cart in the main school. The number of students who have a student is higher = don't even consider the controversies - Capricorn: If such schools are closed for mothers nearby