SMC INTERNAL AUDIT LETTER 2019 ; Nanakiya Varsh 2018 -19 nu SMC Account internal Audit Babat Letter 2019
SMC Internal Audit 2019 Letter
Subject: FINANCIAL YEAR: 2018 - 19 SMC's Internal Audit of the SMC will be able to inform the Joint Venture that the functioning of the SMC's internal audit has to be started as per the following and other relevant records - literature, To give information on your level of information to the appropriate officers
Audit Samaye Hisabi Sahitya Tatha Anya Khatakiya Jaruri Record Nu List
along with the Xerox copy as mentioned and fill the required details in the accompanying form along with the audit, as well as the district Requested to be sent immediately from the La Office office.
Audit Samaye Hisabi Sahitya Tatha Anya Khatakiya Jaruri Record Nu List
along with the Xerox copy as mentioned and fill the required details in the accompanying form along with the audit, as well as the district Requested to be sent immediately from the La Office office.