School Quality Accreditation Application For Gunotsav 2.0 in Gujarat Primary schools

School Quality Accreditation Application For Gunotsav 2.0 in Gujarat Primary schools

Starting with the implementation of planning in 5000 schools of Gujarat. 
 The government will now implement the plan to make the ratio more result Gunotsav
Schools to be Accredited Education Minister Bhupinder Singh Chudasama launches School Quality Accreditation Council mobile application

Education Minister Bhupendra Chudasama also launched the School Quality Accreditation T Council Mobile App in Gandhinagar.  From this app, up to 5 schools of Gujarat are experimentally  He also announced the implementation of a preliminary evaluation.  Gujarat is the first state in the country to launch such a program.  Schools will be evaluated with the help of this during the ratio-1.  The criteria for this have been fixed.  He stated that thereafter a variety of schools as per the individual needs of the schools.  General Chat Chat Lounge  with

Currently more than 1000 teachers are taking the exam to become inspectors.  His team will prepare a report on the quality of the school.  The appointment of inspectors will also be made on the basis of the size of the school and the number of students.  It will be implemented in all schools of Gujarat from next semester.  There will be more emphasis on issues like Test Season, Annual Examination, Online Attendance in Ratio-1.  More than 5% will be emphasized on academic matters.  The presence of students and teachers will also be considered for evaluation.  General Chat Chat Lounge  Hini

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