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SAS Gujarat Rajao ni Entry mate Margdarshak suchanao by msb Rajkot

SAS GUJARAT Leave Entry Guidelines
SAS Gujarat Rajao ni Entry mate Margdarshak suchanao by msb Rajkot

SAS GUJARAT Leave Entry Guidelines (MSB RAJKOT)

 According to the guidance received from the Director's Office on leave, MSB RAJKOT's schools have to do the following.  Instead of the instructions given at the agave meeting, the new instructions will have to be worked out as per the instructions and every employee will have to be informed accurately.

 If an employee completes a holiday entry, they do not need to delete the entry.

 Take a pint out of this file and save every employee.  In this operation 1 - 3 - 3, the new instructional work should be to inform each employee of the amendment.

 1 Received leave (A) Received king (cancellation of Agawan meeting instruction) Act as per new notification. Select the drop down function for which leave is received

 ૦ BLO Holiday
 ૦ Election Operations
 ૦ Census
 ૦ Training leave
 ૦ Displaying HTAT and CRC on vacation leave

 In the earlier meeting, the date from which date should be 1.1 to 30.06 and 1.08 to 31.12.  Now showing the date of the vacation from which date such as the summer vacation date is 5/5/2017 to 10/6/2017 and showing the same amount of leave as shown in the order.

 Such as 19 or 14 or 11 (as per order) and in detail to show a short Diwali vacation or summer vacation and order number and date.  This means that the vacation date on which the vacation is granted should be obtained on the order of the teacher and, if not, obtained from the old teacher attendance sheet. Remember that 30 calendar holidays a calendar year doesn't get much more than that.)

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SAS Gujarat Rajao ni Entry mate Margdarshak suchanao by msb Rajkot