5% DA official Press note | Gujarat na Karmchario ne Januari 2020 thi 17% DA Babat
Deputy Chief Minister Nitinbhai Patel has announced that more than nine lakh officers / employees of the state government will get a pension of 5%.
Gujarat Deputy Chief Minister Nitinbhai Patel has said that the state government has decided to give 5% inflation allowance to the more than nine lakh officers / employees and pensioners of the state from 1-7-2019.
This inflation allowance will be paid in the salaries of January - 2020, which will incur an additional burden of Rs.1821 crore annually on the state government. The difference between the six months' mundhwari allowance from July - 2019 to December - 2019 will be paid in three installments which will be decided later.
According to the decision taken at the meeting of the state cabinet, chaired by Vijaybhai Rupani, other employees and pensioners of the panchayat department of the state government were estimated. Is. He said that the officers and employees of the state government, panchayat and other grantable institutions and employees are being given the benefit of seven pay salaries.
5% inflation allowance is approved by Government of India. In addition to their salaries, the state government officials and employees are now being paid 12% inflation allowance. The Government of India has also announced a 5% inflation allowance for the employees of the Central Government.
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5% DA official Press note | Gujarat na Karmchario ne Januari 2020 thi 17% DA Babat