Pragna material [Meaning paragraph] - A useful word diary has been created in Pragna class. Which will be useful in facilitating classwork. Useful for all Pragna teachers.
• Steps 1 through 14 are given.
• Up to 50 words are included in each step.
• These steps are arranged according to N, M, G, J.
• Each of these successive steps includes the alphabets and quantities previously learned.
• Meaningful words are included in each step.
• The word diary has completely tried not to repeat the word.
Pragna activity and all study matesrial in english language PDF: Like .. pragna abhigam mujab nu sahitya, PRAGNA (an ABL Approach) - Gujarat Education Department Uploaded Sahitya at
Pragna Training Teachers All Modules. PRAGNA ABHIGAM TEACHER TRAINING MODULE · Pragna varg Pragna Elementary Specialist Training · Pragna Elementary Teacher Training
You can find it here by using the following pragna class.
- Standards: 1 and 2
- Subject: - Gujarati
• Steps 1 through 14 are given.
• Up to 50 words are included in each step.
• These steps are arranged according to N, M, G, J.
• Each of these successive steps includes the alphabets and quantities previously learned.
• Meaningful words are included in each step.
• The word diary has completely tried not to repeat the word.
Pragna activity and all study matesrial in english language PDF: Like .. pragna abhigam mujab nu sahitya, PRAGNA (an ABL Approach) - Gujarat Education Department Uploaded Sahitya at
Pragna Training Teachers All Modules. PRAGNA ABHIGAM TEACHER TRAINING MODULE · Pragna varg Pragna Elementary Specialist Training · Pragna Elementary Teacher Training
The objective of the school of pragnya
Pragna Classroom: In this classroom, there is a free atmosphere group where children come and they will be happy to learn. In this category, where the content is within their reach and they also have the freedom to use everything there according to their needs.
Pragna Subject Classroom: - In this classical class is constructed in place of normal classrooms. To learn that topic, each child has made it possible to get the material relevant to that subject immediately. And language- separate rooms for EVS and math-Rainbow activities are also organized in schools.
Pragna class sitting arrangement: - In this class meeting arrangements, teachers and children have to sit on the mat in place of chair and benches. Each school has provided shelter and cottage facilities for this purpose.
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