Online Certificate Course For Teachers | Courses Made For Teachers by GCERT

Online Certificate Course For Teachers - Application Form | Certificate course for primary teachers has been started by Gujarat Council of Resource and Training (GCERT). The course will be made available online through Teachers University. All teachers of Gujarat can join any course of their choice. Registration of the following four online courses for teachers by GCERT has started from today. Education Courses For Teachers | Courses Made For Teachers by GCERT

Online Certificate Course
  1. Certificate Course in Gujarati Language
  2. Certificate Course in Social Science
  3. Certificate Course in Mathematics
  4. Certificate Course in Science
Online Certificate Course For Teachers

Certificate courses for teachers | Enhancing educational qualification

Teachers can get their professional certificate through Gujarat Education Department in collaboration with Teachers University. And increase their academic readiness. To join this course, teachers just have to fill in their details in the Google form given below and register. Various courses up to 6 months and 1 year are provided here. When you fill in the form, you have to select the course of your choice from the list given to you.

Steps of Application for Teachers Certificate Course

First open the following Google Form link (titled: New Online Course Registration Form (Fill up in English).

Step-1: Now enter your email id
Step-2: Then fill in the following details.
Step-3: Your full name
Step-4: Write Designation
Step-5: Institution Name
Step-6: Institution Or School DISE Code
Step-7: SAS login ID (If available)
Step-8: Google ID (if available)
Step-9: Select the block name
Step-10: District
Step-11: Qualification
Step-12: Teaching Experience (In Years)
Step-13: Mobile Number
Step-14: Select the Course Name you want to join
Step-15: Now check and submit all your details once (now your form has been final submitted.)

Note: All details must be filled in English.

Google form for joining online courses

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