iGOT Introduction | How to use iGOT application?

Understanding how to use the iGOT application. Install and use step by step for mobile, PC and laptop. The Government of India has launched a training module for the operation of COVID-19, named "Integrated Government Online training" (iGOT).

iGOT Introduction How to use iGOT application

About iGOT 
iGOT - Diksha ntegrated Government Online training portal for COVID-19. Online Training Module and Basics Training Matrix with Roles. The Government of India has launched a training module for the operation of COVID-19, named "Integrated Government Online training" (iGOT).

While India is ready to fight the COVID-19 epidemic and raise awareness against it, the Central Government has organized this training to provide more information and knowledge about COVID-19 through online training to government employees and health workers. This training will be given in collaboration with online Diksha portal. An application for mobile and computer has also been prepared for it. Certificate of completion of online training can also be downloaded using this application.

iGOT Application Installation And Use Steps
Download DIKSHA (Diksha) application from Google Play Store in mobile. (Using Chrome or Mozilla Firefox in computers and laptops.)

Installation Steps
First, open the Google Chrome browser on your computer or laptop
Type https://igot.gov.in
First select your state and district and click on Submit button.

Registration Step
Click on the login button.
Click on the Register Here button
Register by entering your full name, mobile number or email id, and password
Now enter the OTP on your mobile number and login.

Training Steps
Choose your section, language, cadre, topic
Select iGOT Health in the board.
Choose a language
Select the cadre in which you are assigned to the class. Such as, ANM, ASHA, Anganvadi etc.
Selecting States (iGOT) in the subject
Fill in the details according to your cadre and click submit.
(You can also edit to improve your profile.)
Now the first compulsory Trainee Onboarding_MoHFW course is to be started.
Click on Join Training
Select your cadre in the second slide
Enter your name, surname, gender and mobile number
Write your age, village name and address.
Submit Your first course is completed.

Now this is how you select your role (cadre) on the main page. And you can start training and complete all the steps. After completing the training, your e-certificate will be generated. You can download it and complete your training.

iGOT Introduction | How to use iGOT application?

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