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Download the Best Selfie Camera App on Google Play Store (No.1)

Download the Best Selfie Camera App on Google Play Store (No.1)

Download Best Selfie Camera App on Google Play Store

Candy Selfie - The best sweet selfie camera and photo editor. Make a lovely selfie photo in no time with this beauty plus camera! Use this Sweet Selfie Beauty Camera to take selfies - it's easy to be a professional photo director.

Best Selfie Camera App Candy Selfie - Beauty Plus, Sweet Snap Selfie Camera is a beauty camera to take and edit selfies. You can find professional photo makeup tools in this beauty plus camera and tons of cool filters and cute trendy stickers in this sweet snap selfie camera app! Snap and edit a stunning selfie photo with Beauty Plus Selfie Camera, share to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat etc with one click, and amaze everyone!

Now you can download Sweet Candy Selfie Camera for free!

Best Selfie Camera App Key Features

best selfie camera app

smart auto-beauty

Easy-to-use beauty and sweet selfie camera

Professional skin makeup tools - help you take makeup selfies and beautify your selfie photos!

Use this selfie photo camera to make sweet selfie photos!

Real-time Live Photo Filter

Preview real-time live filters and makeup while taking a selfie with this Beauty Plus camera

Take a lovely selfie with Beauty Plus Camera and make your selfie photo look awesome

Use Sweet Selfie Photo Camera to take selfies - it's easy to be a master photographer!

interesting collage

Combine multiple selfie photos into one collage poster using in-app templates

Add text to your makeup selfies, plus multiple layout options in Beauty Camera

Use Beauty Plus Sweet Selfie Photo Editor and create selfie collages in different styles

funny stickers and photo filters

All kinds of cute emoticons stickers and photo filters in this beauty plus sweet camera!

Take a cute selfie and take a photo, find the stickers and filters that suit you

Use this lovely Selfie Beauty Plus camera to take selfies - it has never been easier to be a professional photographer now with this photo editor!

mv. cool templates for

Stylish templates to edit your photos in an engaging music slideshow

Choose your template and add photo to create photo video easily

Many themes to choose from! Find and create your own music video

one-touch sharing

Beautify as well as export pictures with Sweet Camera

Use this beauty plus selfie camera to take selfie and save your photo video

You can share your photos in best quality on social media

With Beauty Selfie Photo or Makeup Selfie, you can easily win more likes and fans on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Snapchat, and more!

Use this selfie photo editor to take selfies and share them on social media!

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Download Camera App Now

All these creative tools are now free in Candy Selfie - Beauty Plus, the sweet snap camera with the best selfie makeup filters, making it easy and fun to take amazing pictures! Install Beauty Plus Camera now! Use this beauty plus camera to take selfies, it's easy to be a professional photo director. Candy Camera & Selfie Photo Editor helps you to take a lovely selfie. Take selfies and add photo filters and cute stickers!

Thanks for reading Best Selfie Camera Apps on Google Play Store Download.

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