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NISHTHA Online Talim 2020 | Teachers Self Declaration Form Submission Process at DIKSHA App Nishtha Talim
What is NISHTHA ?
Nishtha is National Initiativ For School Heads and Teachers ' Holistic Advancement 【NISHTHA】
Syllabus for Curriculum, Focus, Pedagogy, Learning Outcomes and Inclusive Education Summary: Right to Education (RTE) 2009
The purpose of this module is to help teachers and instructors like us understand and explain the variations in the classroom and to think for pedagogy. Which are most useful for making our classrooms and education inclusive. The suggestions here are linked to experience. Meeting the various learning needs found in one category will help to develop an inclusive learning environment. The curriculum provides access to a very thorough look at NCF, especially the content, textbooks, national education policy, outlines of the national curriculum profile, and especially to the NCF.
NCF - 2005 and is currently working to establish relationships with applied learning outcomes, curriculum expectations and academic classrooms / situations. IMPORTANT NOTE: The KRP, attached to the instructors and the training, is expected to engage the trainees during training and engage in training and participation in the training. India is a multicultural society made up of many regional and local cultures, people's religious beliefs, lifestyle and understanding of their social relations are different. All communities have the same right to co-exist and evolve and the education system has to collectively help preserve this cultural heritage. General Chat Chat Lounge General Chat Chat Lounge
Objectives of the study: • Describe the syllabus of the curriculum, its development, its functions, the objectives of the course, the development and evaluation.