Test your eyes from home mobile "Check eye number, color blindness, how fast your eyesight is

"Eye Test Apk" Test your eyes from home mobile "Check eye number, color blindness, how fast your eyesight is

 Use of this application
  •  Check the eye number
  •  Check for color blindness
  •  Check how fast your gaze is
  •  And other eye tests

 Please send this very useful application to your relatives

In this Open the Live Store app
   ● Cover art
   ● Eye test
   ● Designer Health and Health
   ● To add to the memory of desire
Is application is compatible with all your devices.

When was the last time you had eyes, did you see once?  You can't remember With this look you just have to test your vision reception bus and for free!  Once the test is done, you should be able to decide if you should see an eye doctor.  Vision tests are fun to do, and you'll share the results with your friends on Facebook!

The application has twelve types of eye tests (6 free and half a dozen pro).

Visual sense test
  1. A look at the lack of associative degree ishihara color vision
  2. Cube color game to check your vision and speed
  3. Four Amsler grid testing
  4. Take a look for associate degree AMD deviations
  5. Survey of eye diseases
  6. See a written nickname.  What volume does the eye feele
  7. Take a look at the difference sensitivity
  8. Take a look at Landolt C / Tumbling E.
  9. Keep an eye on the ambiguity
  10. Take a look at Ducrome
  11. Take a look at the associate degree OkN strip
  12. Take a look at red disintegration

Attention tests do not look excellent due to differences in each screen accuracy (screen size, brightness / contrast, resolution).  If the screen size is about thirty cm from your eyes.  Grabbing a 12-inch phone will give you almost perfect results, then grab it (if it is cm2 cm / 20 inches from your eyes, as if you have found a tablet).

Don’t think about the tests within the app official tests.  These tests are to make you fully aware of the plan, whether you should see an ophthalmologist or extend the prescribed medical assistance of the eye.

Visual acuity

If you look at visual sense, it can be a part of regular eye examination, especially in the case of vision.  At a young age, these vision issues will usually be corrected or improved.  Unpublished or untreated vision problems will result in permanent vision loss.

  • Color visual defects
  • Check if your color is blind.

The Amsler grid can also be a grid of horizontal and vertic lines to investigate vision issues due to changes inside the membrane, especially the mula mula because in addition to the cranial nerves.

Age-related deviations can be a state of progression that affects many people.

Glaucoma can be a group of diseases that damage the cranial nerves of the eye and reduce vision.  If left untreated it can result in vision loss.

The sensitivity of the contract

The distinction for resilience draws attention to the sensitivity to the difference between elasticity and darkness

Landol C is a popular alternative to aggression in most European countries

One has to keep an eye on whether the visual visual meanings are for people who cannot browse the Roman alphabet.

Astigmatism can be a visual condition that causes blurred vision that makes it difficult to examine microscopic details, packaged or remotely.

It works to imagine whether you are tall or short-sighted.

Take a look at the Oaken Strip

An officer monitors your vision for specific eye issues.

Cranial nerves are sensitive to red, thus once broken, red objects may appear discolored, wash-less, or light.

What if I buy unwanted results?

If your results indicate that you have vision problems, you should see an eye doctor.  Regular eye examinations promote eye health.  This allows your doctor to live your vision and make the necessary changes to your prescription.

 You can transfer eye coaching apps to maintain eye sight and improve vision.  You should take high care of your eyes and vision.  Protecting vision health is one of our most important factors.  Decreased eye care and eye examination can lead to visual acuity.

 If you specialize in any eye issues, net browsers, to-do apps, calendars, writing messages or checking phone books or decision logs, you should see if you like eye treatments and / or?  Vision coaching.

 Night vision improves twilight vision, it jointly improves twilight vision, this visual meaning improves your sense of vision and your twilight vision.

Test your eyes from home mobile "Check eye number, color blindness, how fast your eyesight is

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