કુદરતે આપેલી અણમોલ સંપત્તિ એટલે ધરતી પરની વનસ્પતિ..👌🏻 વૃક્ષો આપણને અનેક રીતે ઉપયોગી છે.
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જેમાં ક્યાં રોગમાં કઈ વનસ્પતિ કેવી રીતે વાપરવી એની માહિતીની PDF ડાઉનલોડ કર્યા વગર વાંચી શકશો.
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બહુ સરસ માહીતી છે.સ્કૂલ,કોલેજ માટે પણ ઉપયોગી છે. અન્ય ગ્રુપમાં પણ શેર કરશો કોઈને ઉપયોગી થશે.
The invaluable wealth given by nature is the vegetation on earth..2 trees are useful to us in many ways.
Information with complete photos of about 30 trees growing in our Girnar.
In which you will be able to read information about how to use which plant in which disease without downloading PDF.
Details PDF : Very nice information. Also useful for school, college. Sharing in another group will also be useful to someone.
Bird of Gujarat Picture Collection Very Useful to identify the birds. Very beautiful picture collection to identify the birds of Gujarat. A total of 489 birds have been given insights including HD pictures. If you see, even if you laugh, you don't know the names of many ... Show the children specially
The department was asked to provide some clarifications regarding the difficulty faced by Gujarat Energy Development Corporation Limited in issuing electricity bills to its customers. The matter was under consideration of Sakka Shri. It is decided to take the following decisions to provide relief in the bill of small and middle class power growers of the state.
Electricity Bill ma consumers Ne Rahat Aapva Babat. Important circular regarding relief to power consumers in Corona situation. Letter from the State Government regarding relief in electricity bills to electricity consumers in exceptional circumstances arising due to Corona virus (Covid-19). Lockdown orders have been issued by the Central Government and the State Government. Due to the difficulty faced by the electricity consumers in paying their electricity bills and the relief given to the electricity consumers to meet the load in the minimum electricity bill due to closure of businesses / businesses / industries. Necessary instructions sent to Vikas Nigam Limited.
(1) All types of electricity customers who have been issued electricity bills for the period from 09-03-2020 to 30/04/2020 will now be able to pay their electricity bills by 30/05/2020 as well as all the state during the above exemption period. There will be no disconnection of electricity by the power companies and no recovery of any kind of late payment charge.
(2) Previously, the State Government exempted all the electricity distribution companies in the state from electricity consumers of VEPA / industries having IT power connections which were closed due to load down in their April electricity bills. Decided to pay the bill accordingly.
(3) In order to provide more financial relief to the small and medium businesses / shops / industries of the State by the State Government, April / April Electricity to all LT Electricity Connected Businesses / Shops / Industries of all the Electricity Distribution Companies of the State which are closed or running during load down. Minimum charge in bill i.e. Demand | Exemption from payment of Fixed Charges will be billed only according to the usage made by him.
To clarify in case of all HD power consumers of all the power finance companies of the state that HT power consumers have consumed less than 50% of the average power consumption in the previous three months at the lockdown in April, the minimum charge in their April bill is Will be exempted from paying Demand / Fixed Charges and will be billed only according to the usage made by him. . Essential services operating during the lockdown period such as BACK, TELECOM, ૨ DwY at V, Petrochemicals Complex, Dairy I will not apply to hospitals.
In the case of private hospitals, if they have consumed less than 50% of the average power consumption in the previous three months of the lock-down in April, then such private hospitals will also be charged in the April electricity bill. Exemption from payment of fixed charges will be waived and if they are used, the financial burden for this will be borne by the power distribution company.
220 trees in Girnar - which is the lifeblood of health, see what trees are used