Gujarat High Court's first attempt after online live court streaming on YouTube
High Court circulars, press releases, notifications and important updates which are available on the website will also be available on the Telegram channel.
Innovative start will be made from 1st March 2021

Topics of Gujarat Press Release: Circuits, Declarations, Press Releases, Complete List of Reasons, Gujarat High Court Telegram Channel for Providing Different Types of Furious. Gujarat State High Court Shuri Judge Vikram Naaz, LD Vision, Guidelines and Guidelines.
To promote comfort and convenience. An additional platform is being opened for the dissemination of information to the Supreme Court's official telegram site, lawyers, litigants and all appointees.
The channel can be accessed through the following link:
updates such as daily notifications, broadcasts, press releases, YouTube live links, full argument details, general notifications and other important updates from March.
1 day starting from 2021 can be shared at the same time on the same telegram channel. By providing additional updates in this way, channel subscribers can update themselves with new information without re-checking. For the same website, it will monitor the situation when the above updates are available for any reason.
Over time, with the help of their mentor, additional services may be started to provide information about the causes, cases, orders, judgments and other matters of knowledge through the Telegram platform.
SD / - Date: 26 February 2021 Registrar General