Digital Service: Copies of Birth and Death Certificates will be issued to the citizens of Gujarat for Rs.10
Regarding the provision of services under Health and Family Welfare Department under e-Village Day under Digital Service Bridge, a Government of Gujarat through the Centers Health and Family Welfare Department No .: Janam / 10206 / B-1 Secretariat, Gandhinagar dated 31/01/2071
read: (1) Government of India Birth and Death Registration Act 18 (2) Gujarat Birth and Death Registration Rules-2013 (3) Resolution No .: ITP / 102018 / / 4 / IT, Dt.12 / 01 of Panchayat, Rural Housing and Rural Development Department / 2018 (2) Additional Director (Statistics) and Deputy Registrar General, Gandhinagar dated 10/12/30 letter no. .) Letter dated 20/12/20 SHIS - DSS / 10/2020/455575 / IT (PF - 1) Introduction: Various welfare schemes and services are being implemented by the departments under the control of Health and Family Welfare Department. A systematic mechanism for implementation of these schemes and services is in place at village level, taluka level and district level.
E-Gram Yojana has been implemented by the Department of Panchayat Rural Housing and Rural Development to make the work of Gram Panchayats up-to-date and popular through information technology and various e-services of the State Government are also being implemented through e-Gram Kendras.
The Digital Service Bridge Program is also being implemented under Digital Gujarat to increase transparency in the administration of the state as well as to speed up the solution of personalized services.
Citizens should be able to get a computerized copy of their birth or death certificate quickly from the nearest e-Gram Kendra at their nearest location without any unnecessary hassle and for the noble purpose of Ease of Living for the general public.
The plans and services of this department are also provided under Digital Gujarat under the Digital Service Bridge through "E-Village Centers" in a single day (One Day Service) from the aforesaid order (2) to the Deputy Registrar and Additional Director (Statistics).
The proposal was under consideration of the Government.Resolution: At the end of the adult consideration of the Government in the above matter, the following services under the Health and Family Welfare Department should be provided from Digital Gujarat Portal under Digital Service Bridge through 'E-Village Centers' in one day service only. It is therefore decided to make the facility available.
(1) Birth Certificate (Computerized Copy) (2) Death Certificate (Computerized Copy) The standard operating procedure for providing these services through e-Village Centers shall be as follows. (1) First the applicant has to do it on the working day of the e-Gram Kendra at his nearest place and by contacting the Village Computer Entrepreneur (VCE) at the e-Gram Kendra, to get the computerized copy of the birth or death certificate.
Complete details like place of birth or death, date and registration number etc. should be given for (2) Then, VCE entered the above details in the software, whether the incident requested by the applicant is recorded in e-Identity (Gujarat Civil Registration System)? It has to be confirmed. (2) If the incident (birth or death) is recorded by the Registrar / Sub-Registrar in e-Identity, the commuter system will display it.
The computerized copy of this note should be given to the applicant after confirmation. (2) Black and white printed certificate should be considered as original as color printed certificate. (3) For the above services, as decided by the resolution on the order (3) taken by the Panchayat Department, Rural Housing and Rural Development Department, Rs. 10.00 / - (Rupees in Numbers Page 2 of 3 Ten) will have to be recovered.
No stationery vcE will be provided by the Department of Health and Family Welfare separately for this. This resolution is on the same Coke file on the note of Panchayat Rural Housing and Rural Development Department dated 19/01/2021 and the date of Science and Technology Department.
Issued in accordance with the consultation made from the note dated 12/01/2021.
Digital Service: Copies of Birth and Death Certificates will be issued to the citizens of Gujarat for Rs.10