Landslide LIVE Video: Joshimath's elephant falls off cliffs, only road to Badrinath completely closed

Send social science teacher and standard 8 children.

Landslide LIVE Video: Joshimath's elephant falls off cliffs, only road to Badrinath completely closed

To read and watch the video in Gujarati: Once the children watch the video of the landslide, they will automatically understand it.

સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાન શિક્ષક તથા ધોરણ 8 ના બાળકોને મોકલો.

ભૂ-સ્ખલનનો LIVE વીડિયો: જોશીમઠનો હાથી પહાડ તૂટતાં શિલાઓ નીચે ધસી આવી, બદ્રીનાથ જતો એકમાત્ર રસ્તો પણ સંપૂર્ણ બંધ

ગુજરાતી માં વાંચવા અને વિડીયો જોવા માટે : બાળકો એકવાર ભૂસ્ખલન નો વિડીયો જોશે તો તેના વિશે ઓટોમેટીક સમજાઈ જશે

Landslide LIVE Video

Respect the beginning of the meeting.  This was done by the Secretary's statement, in which he asked the members to discuss the issues for the decision to be taken by the state level in the main meeting.  The member member secretary of the committee Dr. TS Joshi with the permission of the chairman made a presentation on the issues suggested by the members of the Yask Force regarding the national education policy.

At the end of the adult discussion in the meeting, it was unanimously agreed on the decisions to be taken by the state level regarding the implementation of NEP.  The details of the decisions taken by the YASK Force, the implementation of which is the year 2021-22, are given below;

(1) The policy, which covers the age of 3 to 18 years as per NEP 2020, recommends an innovative 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 educational and curriculum related structure by changing the existing structure of school education of 10 + 2.

In this regard, it is suggested to accept the innovative structures suggested by the Task Force Committee.  Hence, the decision is taken to implement the following school structure in the state.  The school structure proposed in the National Education Policy 2020 will be 5 + 3 + 3 + 4, in which, ...

a) 3 years of pre-primary in 5 years and standard 1 and 2 (basic education)

b) 5 years Std. 5 to 5 elementary education)

c) 5 years Std. 6 to 8 (Higher Primary Education)

d) 4 years Std. 9 to 12 Secondary Education), Implementation - Education Department)

(2) The above points (1)

(a) In this regard, according to the school structure 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 ... a) In the basic phase of the first five years (i.e. from 3+ years of age of the child) the first two years will be in Anganwadi / Pre-Primary,

b) When the next year (from 5+ years of age of the child) to the year before Std. 1) will be known as 'Kindergarten'.  Is when the standard will be started from the age of 6+ years of the child.

c) This structure will be implemented from the academic year 2021-22.  e) To ensure admission of children who have completed 3 years to get admission in pre-primary / anganwadi.  Along with this, Anganwadi system should also be set up in the ashram schools located in the tribal areas of the state.

(Implementation - Education Department, Women and Child Development Department, Tribal Development Department)

(3) The kindergarten should be designed as part of the primary school on the school premises.

a) Kindergarten children will be given activities like Pragya approach like Std. 1 and 2.

b) Contract based recruitment will be done by outsourcing by Gujarat Primary Education Council as per the requirement of staff for kindergarten.

c) At least PTC / D.EL.Ed of the teacher appointed in the kindergarten.  Should be qualified.  (Implementation - Education Department, Women and Child Development Department, Overall Education Office)

(4) With reference to the above issue (I) (d), at present in the state, Std.  Higher Secondary Education - Instead of two parts, four consecutive years should be done for Std. 9th to 12th.  Implementation - Department of Education, Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education)

(5) From all pre-primary including public, private and grant aided in the state as per NEP 2020.  The State School Standards Authority (SSA) will work in coordination with GCERT by the state to ensure compliance with the required professional and quality standards in institutions of higher secondary education.

(Implementation - Education Department)

(6) The State Preprimary Regulatory Body is to be constituted for the regulation of pre-primary bodies in the State.  To prepare and implement standards / norms for accreditation of all types of pre-primary institutions in the state.

(Implementation: Women and Child Development Department, Education Department)

(7).  The existing Anganwadi teachers will be given systematic training to prepare high quality elementary child care and education teachers for pre-primary as well as Anganwadi in the state.  Accordingly, GCERT provides training and certification in this regard in collaboration with the Department of Women and Child Development and Children's University to prepare a new syllabus considering the syllabus prepared by NCERT for the above trainings.

(Implementation - GCERT, Children's University, Department of Women and Child Development)

(8).  With regard to NEP, the state has to judicially consolidate schools.  The decision in this regard should be based on the following details.

a) As per the provisions of RTE Act, a school with less than 60 number and a standard 1 to 5 school within a radius of 1 km of a school having 1 to 5 standard schools should be merged.

b) Merge a school with a standard of 6 to 8 running and a school with less than 45 students within a 3 km radius of another school with a higher number of standard 6 to 8.

c) Exemption from merging schools where a highway passes between 2 schools at the time of school merger, river / ditch or where the student cannot easily go to the merged school.

d) Students who have to travel 1 km to the nearest primary or secondary school.  Or 3 km.  They will be provided transportation if they have to cover a distance of more than Rs.

e) In addition, the way the cluster resource center (CRC) is currently set up in the state as per NEP should be recognized as a school complex.  To keep the Principal of Government / Granted Secondary School as the Chairman of the School Complex as well as the CRC Coordinator as the Member Secretary and the Principals of other Secondary / Primary Schools as well as the Anganwadi Supervisor as members.

(Implementation - Overall Education Office, Office of the Director of Primary Education, Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Office of the Director of Schools)

(9).  Apart from the schools run by the education department, there are ashram schools, model schools, etc. run by the social empowerment and justice department as well as the tribal development department.  In order to maintain educational uniformity in all the schools of the state, all types of schools in the state should be included in the coordination of the education department and at the district level in the coordination of DEO / DPEO as well as EI of the education department.  , Also cover the schools of this department in continuous evaluation and monitoring through TPEO, BRC, CRC.

(Implementation - Department of Education, Department of Social Empowerment and Justice, Department of Tribal Development)

(10) Mention is made in the National Education Policy 2020 to bring changes in the board examinations for Std. 10 and 12.  At present in the state, the standard of board examination of standard 10 and 12 has to be changed.  A state level committee should be constituted in this regard, which would suggest a new model keeping in view the central norms and recommendations.

(Implementation - Department of Education, Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education)

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(11) Inclusion of Gujarati language and mathematics as standard language in Std. 1 in the state at present.  Has been.  According to the implementation of the trilingual formula outlined in NEP 2020, English subject should be introduced as Introductory English along with Gujarati language from Std.  English language taught during standard 1 to 3 which will not be a part of that standard examination.  English subject will be part of the examination in standard 4 and above.

(Implementation - Education Department, GCERT, Office of the Director of Primary Education)

(12) Merit list is prepared for the recruitment of teachers in primary to higher secondary schools in the state with the marks of TET / TAT examination along with the marks of undergraduate, postgraduate level  Regarding NEP 2020, from now on, for the recruitment of teachers in primary to higher secondary schools, a 6-level selection process of candidates with graduate, post-graduate marks as well as TET / TAT examination marks will be organized, which will include tests, interviews and classroom process demonstrations.  As well as all three level marks.  Added merit will be prepared.

(Implementation - Education Department)

(13) With regard to NEP 2020, state teachers are required to conduct at least 50 hours of training courses for Continuous Professional Development (PD) every year for their professional development.  The teacher of this research.  The trainings to be completed by them as well as the vocational courses should be recorded in their service book and should be linked with the norms for their higher pay scale.

(Implementation - Department of Education, Office of the Director of Primary Education, Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Office of the Director of Schools, GCERT)

(14) At the end of Std. 3, 5 and 8, for children, like Std.  Accordingly, the responsibility for conducting examinations at the end of Std. 3, 5 and 8 should be given to the State Examination Board, Gandhinagar under the coordination of GCERT as well as Gujarat Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.  Dt.  Regarding the resolution of 12/02/2020, students of all government and private schools will take part in this common examination.

(Implementation - State Examination Board)

(15) Identification and nurturing of talents and interests of specially gifted and gifted students of the State with regard to formation of Special Education Zone (SEZ) to enhance high quality educational opportunities in deprived areas of the State as per NEP 2020 Issue Order (6.60).  Arrangements for taking are suggested in the policy.This research has been unanimously approved by the members of YSK Force as the above matters are covered in the proposed chools of excellence project in the state.  Allowing to start residential schools containing students.The SoE will cover an estimated 1 lakh children from 33 districts with a total of 3000 children per school.For this, high quality and experienced teachers will be appointed on contract basis.

(Implementation - Department of Education, Office of the Whole Education, Office of the Director of Primary Education, Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Office of the Director of Schools)

(16) Mathematics and science subjects are compulsory in the curriculum for students at secondary level in the state at present.  However, after completing this course at the end of standard 10, most of the children turn to general stream as well as other vocational courses or arts besides science stream.  The concepts of mathematics (algebra, geometry) as well as science (physics, chemistry and biology) taught to these students at the secondary level are not very useful for further study.  Subjects like arithmetic as well as anthropology should be added to the curriculum

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