Gujarat Gaurav Din Competition Mate Chitro nu Collection

Corona Nibandh in Gujarati.

Gujarat GauravDin Chitra Spardha Mate Chitro nu Collection. Corona Warriors Painting For Gujarat Gaurav Din Painting Competition for std 3 to 8 and 9 to 12

Collection of Corona Warriors pictures. Children will come up with ideas on what to draw for the competition.
 Corona Warriors Gujarati Essay Writing Sample pdf 

Letter from Anand district regarding operation in summer vacation.  Regarding the above subject, to state that from 04/05/2020 to 07/06/2020, the state government has announced summer vacation in the school.  CRC / BRC Co.  All CRC co. During this period to be a non-vacation employee under the Coordinator Project.  The coordinator will have to attend at his headquarters.

corona Chitra / Painting

 No CRC coordinator under COVID-19 shall leave the headquarters unauthorized without the prior approval of the district level.  CRC Co. during the vacation period.  The place of work of the Coordinator shall be its Headquarters and the State as well as the District Office is directed to carry out the work as suggested from time to time.

Matters of approval of contracts of Gujarat subsidized secondary and higher secondary schools for mother to go home during holidays.  Pursuant to the above subject as well as the reference letter - 2, to state that the Gujarat State Educational Union Coordinating Committee has started vacation in the schools of the state at present, so if a couple of teachers are working in different places or some teachers are working in another district from their home district.  Therefore, a request has been made to the office here to get approval from the district administration  .  Which is involved with this.  As mentioned above, the teachers of the subsidized secondary and higher secondary schools are vacation staff.  So that under normal circumstances they are not required to be present during the vacation at the duty headquarters.  But at present COVID - 19 by the Central Government and the State Government.  Request to get the appropriate order of the Government as per the submission of the State Educational Union Coordinating Committee regarding the permission of the mother to go home during the vacation of the teachers as the Pendemic Act has been implemented.
 In particular, the educational staff should be vacation staff and if they are ordered to leave the headquarters during the vacation and if they are ordered to do special work, they should be given proper guidance as per the rules against the working days.

Gujarat Gaurav Din Competition Mate Chitro nu Collection 

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  1. When the result of gujarat gaurav diva competition 2020 will be declared. It has been more than a month since we have submitted our art for the competition.
