🗣️ મોઢું આવી જવું કે મોઢામા ચાંદા પડવા, મોઢામાંથી વાસ આવવી કે દાંત નો દુખાવો હોય તો વાંચી લો આ ઘરેલુ ઉપચાર 👌 મળશે તરત જ રાહત
નિષ્ણાત આયુર્વેદાચાર્યો ના વિડીયો પણ આપેલ છે👍, શેર કરવા વિનંતી🙏🙏
There are many benefits to chewing garlic with salt. Constantly doing this remedy relieves toothache. Chewing a clove of garlic every morning keeps the teeth strong.
Eating a raw onion every morning also relieves toothache. Doctors believe that eating one slice of onion every three minutes kills germs in the mouth and relieves pain.
Having cloves in the mouth gives relief in case of toothache. Applying clove oil on that part during the same pain is very beneficial.
Tea bag
Keep tea bags in warm water and shake the area where the pain is occurring. So that the pain in the teeth can be relieved quickly.
Mustard oil
Add three to four drops of mustard oil, a pinch of salt and massage on the gums. So that the pain in the teeth is removed. At the same time, the draft seems to be getting stronger.
Natural Remedies for Toothache
Many of us may have experienced a sudden toothache at times. So it is very important to know the natural and safe ways to reduce it. Many natural ayurvedic painkillers such as rye, black pepper or garlic can be used effectively to relieve toothache. The following tips will give you information on how and what to do for natural treatment of toothache.
Clove oil is considered to be the most effective treatment for toothache. Mix a pinch of black pepper powder in clove oil and apply on the sore part.
Mustard oil is another option to reduce toothache. Mustard oil should be mixed with a pinch of salt and rubbed on the painful part of the gums.
Toothache can also be reduced by using lemon juice.
Placing a slice of freshly chopped onion on sore gums or teeth also relieves pain. You can make a homemade mouthwash for toothache using local herbs like Zergul, Hirabol etc. Other medicinal plants include basil, wild basil and asafoetida.
દાંતના દુખાવાના કુદરતી ઉપચાર અહીંથી વાંચો
Applying a piece of dry ice on the outside of the mouth can also soothe toothache.
If you are suffering from sudden toothache then you should completely give up foods that are too cold, too hot and sore throat as it causes more damage to the aching tooth.
Eating habits should be taken care of and vegetables, fruits and grains should be used mostly in food. The use of junk food should be avoided.
મોઢામાં ચાંદા કે દુર્ગંધ હોય તો આ વિડીયો જુઓ
દાંત ના દુખાવાનો વિડીયો અહીંથી જુઓ
Ayurveda treatment to prevent toothache
Boiling hing in water and rinsing it relieves toothache.
If the teeth are moving and there is pain, filling the teeth with hing or akkalkaro gives relief.
In the morning, black sesame seeds are chewed, eaten and a little water is added to strengthen the teeth.
Teething strengthens the moving teeth.
Taking sesame oil in the palm and rubbing it on the gums with the fingers strengthens the moving teeth.
Rubbing lemon juice on the gums stops the bleeding from the teeth.
દાઢ નો દુખાવો અને દાઢ કાઢવા માટે
Rubbing teeth with salt along with fern oil cures pyorrhea.
Pressing inflated alum powder on the gums stops the bleeding from the teeth.
If the gums are swollen, the pain can be relieved by rubbing a pinch of salt on it and applying inflated alum powder on it.
Getting oil, lemon juice and salt and rubbing the teeth stops toothache, yellowing of the teeth and bleeding from the teeth.
દાંત ને સફેદ કરવા માટે