Truecaller: Caller ID, SMS, Spam Block & Payment Android Mobile Apps
Know Call Details of Anyone: Truecaller Caller ID, SMS, Spam Block & Payment Android Mobile Apps
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250 million people trust Truecaller for their communication needs, whether it's for caller ID or to block spam calls and SMS to the unwanted, and lets you connect with important people.
With a community-based spam list updated by millions of users worldwide, Truecaller is the only app you need to make your communications secure and efficient.
Smart Messaging:
- Chat for free with your friends and family on Truecaller
- Automatically detect every unknown SMS
- Automatically block spam and telemarketing SMS
- Block by name and number series
Powerful Dialer:
- The world's best caller ID will identify whoever calls you
- Block spam and telemarketers
- See names of unknown numbers in call history
- Call Recording - Record important phone calls and save them to your phone (not supported on Android Pie)
- Flash Messaging - Share location, emoji and status to your friends in Flash
- Backup call history, contacts, messages and settings to Google Drive
Truecaller Pay - UPI Payment & Recharge:
- Safe, secure and instant money transfer - 24/7
- Instant mobile recharge and bill payment
- Manage all your bank accounts with BHIM-UPI
- Bank grade security provided by ICICI Bank
7th Pay Commission: āŠŽેāŠિāŠ āŠļેāŠēેāŠ°ી 18 āŠđāŠાāŠ°āŠĨી āŠĩāŠ§ીāŠĻે 26 āŠđāŠાāŠ° āŠĨāŠķે, āŠૂંāŠ āŠļāŠŪāŠŊāŠŪાં āŠĨāŠķે āŠાāŠđેāŠ°ાāŠĪð
Truecaller Premium - Upgrade and get access to:
- Record phone calls (not supported on Android Pie)
- Know who viewed your profile
- Option to view profiles privately
- Receive premium badges on your profile
- 30 contact requests in a month
- no ads
Trucker Gold - Stand out from the crowd:
- Gold Caller ID
- High priority support
Download Now: Click Here