NPS Upad GR: Instructions for Partial Withdrawal of New Enhanced Pension Scheme (NPS)

NPS Upad GR : નવી વર્ધિત પેન્શન યોજના ( NPS ) અંશતઃ ઉપાડ માટેની સૂચનાઓ

Matter of publishing instructions for partial withdrawal of account holders / officers under the new enhanced pension scheme (NPS) of the State Government. Gujarat Government Finance Department Resolution

Secretariat, Gandhinagar,
Date: 03/04/2018

Finance Department Resolution:

INTRODUCTION: LISTHI HICHO, a new augmented pension scheme (NPS) for employees / officers who have been regularly appointed in the State Government on or after 01/04/2005 by the resolution on number (1) read by the State Government. The scheme is administered by The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA), Government of India.

PFRDA has published guidelines / instructions on approving partial withdrawals for Central Government employees under NPS from Circular on numbers (2) and (3) read. It was under the consideration of the Government to publish instructions for partial withdrawal of account holders / officers under the new enhanced pension scheme of the State Government.


After careful consideration, it is decided by the State Government that, under the new Vardhita Pension Scheme (NPS) of the State Government, the account holder will be able to partially withdraw from his account subject to the following provisions before he retires or resigns.

Purpose of partial withdrawal:

1. For higher studies of account holder's children (including legally adopted children)

2. For marriage of account holder's children (including legally adopted children.)

3. For construction / purchase of a residential house or flat in the joint name with his wife or husband (No other house or flat should be jointly owned by him or his spouse except the one inherited by the account holder.)

4. For the treatment of the following special types of illness (for oneself, spouse, legally adopted children and parents of the account holder)

(1) Cancer

(2) Kidney failure (end stage renal failure)

(3) primary pulmonary arterial hypertension

(4) Multiple sclerosis

(5) Major organ transplant

(6) Coronary artery bypass graft

(7) Arto graft surgery

(8) Heart valve surgery

(9) Stroke

(10) Myocardial infarction

(11) In the coma

(12) Total blindness

(13) Paralysis

(14) Serious / fatal type of accident

Partial withdrawal limits:

1. The concerned employee / officer should be attached to the new enhanced pension scheme for at least three years or more.

2. A maximum of three such partial withdrawals may be made during the entire job.

3. Once a partial withdrawal is made, such partial withdrawal cannot be made again for five years.

4. A partial withdrawal of more than 25% of the employee contribution made by the account holder on the date of application for partial withdrawal cannot be allowed.

Application for partial withdrawal:

The concerned accounting officer / employee allotted them on the website Login I.D. And will have to apply online for partial withdrawal using Password. An Acknowledgment Number will be generated after the application is submitted. After submitting the online application, the concerned officer / employee has to apply for partial withdrawal to the competent authority in 3 days in the form prescribed by PERDA (currently Form: 601 PM) with the following applicable document.

For the purpose of partial withdrawal, the documents to be submitted with the application include the institution of higher studies of the children of the account holder (including the admission letter and the children legally adopted for higher studies). Is.

Copy of title deed of residence in joint name with himself, wife or husband, for construction / purchase of authorized house or flat Declaration in the joint name of the wife should not contain a copy of the offer letter and the self. For parents) Certificate of Civil Surgeon (with cost estimate). For the details of the bank, the concerned officer / employee should enclose a canceled check or a copy of the bank passbook or a bank certificate with the application.

Partial Withdrawal Order:

The Competent Authority shall, in pursuance of the application of partial withdrawal of the concerned account holder employee / officer, send the order approving partial withdrawal to the office of the Director, Pension and Provident Fund within 5 days in the attached proforma as per Schedule-1 attached herewith.

The partial withdrawal note should be made by the concerned branch / office in the service book. The officer authorized to approve partial withdrawals from the General Provident Fund shall be called the competent authority authorized to approve partial withdrawals.

The benefit of this resolution will accrue to the employees / officers of the State Government under the new Enhanced Pension Scheme (NPS) which are maintained by the Office of the Director of Accounts, Pension and Provident Fund.

By order of the Governor of Gujarat and in his name

NPS Upad GR: Instructions for Partial Withdrawal of New Enhanced Pension Scheme (NPS)


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