E Aadhar How to Change Your name, address or date of birth in Aadhaar card online
Update Your Aadhaar: UIDAI has started Aadhaar service centers in some cities to address Aadhaar card issues. How You change your base @ visiting these places ?. You can also create a new birdcard. Learn how to make a point. Get Aadhaar
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To update the name
To update the address
To update the date of birth
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Here's how to make a point.
Learn to make an online appointment.
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First of all, you have to go to UIDAI website https://uidai.gov.in/.
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Now click on My Bird. Then go to the book appointment option. Here you will find the option of urban area. In this they prefer the city. After click Continue to make Your appointment.
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A new page will open. You will have 3 options. New support, updated support and appointment management. They choose one of them as necessary. If you select the Adahar Update option and enter the registered mobile number, captcha code and OTP, your application will be checked.
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After OTP verification, fill in your details on the given form. This form requires details regarding the appointment. Then you have to choose the booking appointment schedule.
Now check the details of your last stage appointment. If you want to change, click the Preview tab or click the Delivery button. This appointment can be used free of charge.
Click here for more information.
How To change Your name and address or date of birth in Aadhaar card at online
UIDI has started Aadhaar service centers in some cities to address Aadhaar card related problems. How You change your base @ visiting these places ? You can also create a new birdcard. Learn to understand an issue.
Online to contact Aadhaar Service Center. Appointments should be made.
Create a new Aadhaar card
To update the name
To update the address
To update the date of birth
To update mobile number
To update your email id
To update sex
To update biometrics
Appointments are made this way.
Learn to make an online appointment.
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Step 1. Go to the release of the Self Service Support Update
Step 2. If you have a valid address verification, click "Address Address" "Request Address Certificate"
Pay the standard. Enter your 12 digit base number in a new window (https://ssup.uidai.gov.in/web/guest/updel)
Pay the standard. Enter the text check code in the box and click OTP or enter TOP
The UTP step is sent to the mobile number registered in the UIDAI database.
Step 6. Enter this OTP to login to your support account
Step 7. Alternatively, you can use the TTO TP feature to check
Step 8 - Mark the address option and click on the supply key
Step 9. Enter your residential address specified in the POA and click the "Submit Updates" button
Step 10 If you want to upgrade your address, click on the "Modify" option
Step 11. Now look at the ad and click on “Continue” button
Step 12 Select the type of document you want to submit as PO for confirmation and upload the scanned copy of the verification address and click the "Submit" button.
Step 13 Click the “Yes” button and select the BPO service provider that will check your listing and click Submit
Choosing a BPO Service Provider
Step 14. The BPO service provider will send your request to UIDAI, verifying that the details on the form are P.O.O. Related to. Your request for an update will then be accepted and you will receive a receipt.
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The receipt paper contains an updated request number (URL). Once updated, you can download the updated version and get your ATH card to print.
First of all, you have to go to UIDAI website https://uidai.gov.in/
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Now click on My Support. Then go to the Book n Appointment option. Here you will find the option of urban area. In this they prefer the city.
A new page will open. You will have 3 options. Manage new support, support updates and appointments. They choose one of them as needed. If you select the Help Update option and enter the registered mobile number, captcha code and OTP, your application will be checked.
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After OTP verification, fill in your details on the given form. This form requires details regarding the appointment. You will then need to select a time interval for the appointment.
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Now check the details of your last stage appointment. If you want to change, click the Preview tab or click the Delivery button. This appointment can be done online without charge
ð Read in Gujarati.
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