4200 Grade Pay GR | Primary Shikshako Na Uchchatar Pagar Dhoran (4200 Grade Pay) Samjuti Babat Paripatra, 17/03/2021

4200 Grade Pay GR | Primary Shikshako Na Uchchatar Pagar Dhoran (4200 Grade Pay) Samjuti Bahar Padva Babat Paripatra, Date- 17/03/2021

4200 Grade Pay Paripatra. Prathmik Shala na Shikshako Mukhya Shikshako na Uchchatar Pagar Dhoran Ni Samjuti Bahar Padva Babat paripatra date 17/03/2021. Matter of issuing explanation to higher level teachers of primary school teachers and head teachers.  Recruitment rules of Assistant Education Inspectors were published from the notification under reference (1) dated 03/01/2009 of the Education Department.

According to the provisions of these allowance rules, the primary teachers were considered as feeder cadre of the Assistant Education Inspector and accordingly the primary teachers were entitled to the first higher standard of promotion i.e. the salary standard of the Assistant Education Inspector.

As there is no promotion cadre after the Assistant Education Inspector for Primary Teachers, they have been given second and third higher pay by the Finance Department on 17/06/2011 

Resolution No .: Pagar - 1008-7-8.A.  (M) was to be met as per the schedule fixed.  Subsequently, under this section oil reference (2), the allowance rules of the head teacher cadre were published in the public notice dated 19/01/2018.  The primary teacher was retained as the feeder cadre of the head teacher as per the provision made by these recruitment rules.

Provision was made in the said proclamation to fulfill the prescribed qualifications for promotion to the post of headmaster or to attain higher rank.  Thus, if there are two vacancies for the promotion of primary teachers as per the notification dated 03/01/2008

Assistant Education Inspector and as per the notification dated 12/01/2018, there are discrepancies regarding their higher pay scale.  As per the resolution dated 05/12/2018 under reference (2) of this section, it is voluntary to get the promotion of the post of headmaster, it is decided that they should be able to meet the first 5 steps.

Subsequently, the Headmaster's Allowance Rules, 2013 were published in the advertisement dated 3/06/2018 under reference (2) of this section, then, from the notification under reference (2) dated 31/01/201 of this section.  Assistant Education Supervisor's Allowance Rules, 2016 were enacted.

As per the provisions of these rules, the head teacher cadre has been included instead of the primary teachers as the feeder cadre of the assistant education inspector, thus, there is no room for direct promotion for the primary teachers as well as the promotion of the head teacher.

There was a discrepancy between the higher pay scale for primary teachers being હોઈ Ray 95.  At the end of the deliberations regarding the elimination of these discrepancies, the allowance rules of the head teacher, class-3 cadre have been amended from the proclamation dated 19/01/2071 of this section under reference (2) and dated 21/01 under reference (2).  

Recruitment Rules for Assistant Education Inspector from Public Name of 2031, 2021 Priced.  Subsequently, the resolution under reference (2) dated 19/06/2021 has allowed the headmaster, class-3 to be considered as academic cadre.  

Circular: In the above details, the notification of this department dated 17/01/2071 and dated 21/01/2021 as well as the resolution dated 19/02/20-21 have been implemented, the primary schools and primary teachers of the state district education committee / town education deficit  Consistency is maintained in the interpretation of different declarations and resolutions filed under reference (1) to (2) with respect to the first, second and third higher pay scales to the head teachers as well as the ancillary fees made therein.  

For the purpose, notwithstanding any change in the original provisions of all the declarations and resolutions outlined in the context, the following general explanations are issued in respect of those provisions.  

• As the primary teacher cadre is the feeder cadre of the head teacher cadre, the primary teachers are entitled to the higher pay scale of the head teacher as the first higher pay scale.  

• It is optional for the head teacher to be promoted to the post of Assistant Education Inspector. 

 This means that there is no place for compulsory promotion for the headmaster but only those headmasters who want to get the promotion have to pass the relevant examination.  Thus, the cadre of the head teacher is a solitary cadre.

The academic cadre of the head teacher cadre is enjoyed as well as this parg is a mokaki cadre. There is no place for compulsory nulli after the main education for the crop teachers. They have to be fixed by the finance department.  

Title of the document

4200 Grade Pay GR

The standard is met.  Jaya d v riti no place for head teacher |  Since they o |  Subject to the applicable resolution regarding the higher pay scale of the finance department and the provision of ancillary amendments made in it as per ઍ si d rand, as prescribed in the schedule fixed by the finance department, the higher standard of pay is available, Head Teacher dated 31/01/20. 

 In the circumstances where those who voluntarily get promotion in the cadre of Assistant Education Inspectors as per the procedure prescribed in the proclamation of 31st, they will be eligible for higher 4th standard subject to the provisions of the applicable resolution of the Finance Department.

Uchchatar Pagar Dhoran Samjuti Bahar Padva Babat Paripatra 2021 

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