Diwali Vacation Gruhkarya

Diwali Vacation Darmiyan Vidhyarthio ne Gruhkarya ma "Nava Bharat ni Mari Kalpana" Vishay par Nibandh Lekhan Aapva Babat...

Commission..., District Education Officer All, School Office, Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan
Date: 29.10.2019

Subjects: During Diwali Vacation, students are given home essay writing essay on "My Imagination of New India

Reference: Hon. According to the instructions of the Director, under sub-jurisprudence and reference, the students studying in all the schools under your control "subject to Diwali Vacation" during their Diwali vacation, so that students can learn about cultural reproduction, preservation of brotherly culture and their innovative ideas in India. 

Inform the principals of all schools about writing Hese vacation as well as from the completion of a written essay by each of the students on the first day they will gather out of his treatise to the district level distinguishable from the best essays. From this level of instruction, the schools are circulated and informed about the procedure of procedure. Joint Director of Education Secondary Gu. Right? Gandhinagar

All Administrators, principals, teachers, administrative staff, guardians and students of all secondary schools of the state registered at Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, Gandhinagar, All are informed that the application for free examination of the Board of Public Examination with the Board of ssc Exam Standard 10 and Sanskrit Language 
ðŸ”đ March 2020.  Date: - From 19-10-2019 Date: - 12 hours of night on 18-11-2019

SSC Board Official Way  Can be filled in from the site.  All the relatives of whom are required to take note and fill out the application within the time limit.  

This SSC Application forms of all the students of Standard 10 (Regular, Repeater, Private Regular, Private Repeater) and Sanskrit first must be filled online.  The required details are put on the board's website.

Diwali Vacation Gruhkarya paripatra 2019 

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Considering the above mentioned differences and the information showing the discrepancies in them, GPF  CPF compared to employee.  How horribly miserable the life of an employee remains.  With this I am giving a living example of my personal affection.  He retired from the semi-government account after serving from 1977 to 2007.

 He received a total of one million rupees from his job deduction, interest on the deduction, graduation and additional graduation (1/3), out of which he got three children, one son's higher education (the other two children got higher education, home).  Expenses like this are met.


In addition, when he retired, he was paid Rs.  5800 pension which is currently 24,600 in the last month of 2018.  And from time to time they will get additional increase for the rest of their lives.  And after his death, his wife will continue to benefit from it.

Let me give you another example.  An employee friend joined GPF in 2003.  Enters from the scheme.  And another employee friend joined the CPF in 2006.  Enters from the scheme.


If due to accidental reasons both the persons use their funds before retirement.  He no longer has any amount due at retirement.  In that case, the first friend will be able to live a decent life as it is a pensionable job while it is difficult to say the same about the second friend.  Also if the GPF for accidental reasons.  If the employee dies in the current job, his family gets a pension, while if the CPF.  What if the employee dies in the line of duty?  (I have only recently learned that a certain amount is receivable, but how long will that amount last? And then ..?  It is a matter of how the retirement life of the GPF employee as well as the CPF employee will be spent.


 In addition, there will be a strong basis of pension for subsistence.  When the CPF.  Employees have to deal with contingencies but also their livelihood.  In these circumstances, a question arises as to whether the CPF, after devoting its invaluable three decades of its life to the government, has done its duty with complete fidelity and sincerity.  What is the employee getting?  Is Jeff, 60, a CPF member?  Will the employee go elsewhere to find a job, stand as a security guard or beg at a signal?  The question of how to survive without coming and old age will be complicated, if you think once.  Given the current situation, even thinking of a life without a pension is daunting.


 The reason I tell you this is that CPF.  And GPF is not what you get at retirement but what you don't get after retirement.  GPF  Employees continue to receive medical services for life while CPF  Employees stop getting those services.

 In addition to the GPF.  The government fulfills the responsibilities of post-retirement pension etc. of the employees while CPF.  Whose door will the employee knock on for pension or other matters after retirement?  And the pension that is to be received is hardly to be had.  Besides, the basic question of subsistence is there.  If you manually check your details on the NPS Pension Calculator, you will get more information.


 It is also worth noting that at a time when India is on the path of progress and on the heels of other developed countries in every field, like other countries, unemployment allowance, free education, free medical care, old age pension, adequate housing.  Not only is the facility being provided but the pension which was being received in the form of GPF has also been taken away.

 According to a friend like Tara, CPF in states like Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Chhattisgarh.  Turn off GPF again.  If it has been started, then he must have calculated something, right?  Haven't you seen the benefits you see in CPF?


Even though India is a developing country, the average life expectancy of India is only 10 years.  So are India's retirees becoming such a burden to the country that we can't even get them a pension to live with pride and self-respect as they have given the country three invaluable decades of their lives.

 When the average life expectancy of India is only 60 years, how long can a person who retires at the age of 58 or 60 be able to get a pension?  Don't they have the right to live with dignity for so long?  After serving the country during their precious life, can't they expect so much from the country?  After discussing the above, I have to tell you one thing, that you are an employee of any government department and of any class, but our situation is almost the same.


 Why are we seeing our old age getting darker?  How can we see this?  I have not been able to sleep peacefully at night since this question came to me, how are you sleeping so peacefully?  I humbly request you to join hands and show real interest in this subject and take steps to save yourself from future misery.  It is only possible for the government to change its CPF scheme and convert it into a GPF scheme.

 If the governments of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Chhattisgarh  The scheme is called GPF.  If it changes in the scheme then why it cannot be implemented here?  This requires uniting and facing the situation together.  Because friend, we just don’t have the time anymore.  CPF  Employees will begin to retire by 2030, and the real situation will then come to the fore.  And then we will not be in a position to do anything.  There is still time for fire, so why should we wait for fire to dig a well?


So friend, there is still time.  As soon as this letter is received, take conscious steps to organize and take action, inform the unions working at the local level about this dire situation.  Make others aware of this as well, and take the help of elder staff and move on.  My statement is that you and all your co-workers make a written request to your local union with your signature and representation, which your local union will send to your main union.

 From where the submission is sent to the Government Employees Federation and then the Government Employees Federation will make that representation to the Government of Gujarat.

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