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Educational innovation festival 2019-20 | District level Innovation Aayojan Babat paripatra

Educational innovation festival 2019-20 | District level Innovation Aayojan Babat paripatra

District level Educational Innovation Fair 2019 Registration Circular

Planning for the 2019-20 District Level Educational Innovation Festival.  For the 2019-20 District Level Educational Innovation Festival, a grant was given earlier for sharing and writing workshops.  Sharing / writeup workshops in your diet will be completed using.  Now we are asked to organize the District Level Educational Innovation Festival according to the following:

 1 e.  D.  N.  If the grant allocated for the Sharing / Writeup Workshop on the 16L Educational Innovation Festival foundation is available, then it can be used at the district level Educational Innovation Festival.

 2.  District Level Educational Innovation Festival is reported to be completed by 5/1/2020.  A grant has been made for the District Level Educational Innovation Festival on 27/11/2019.

 3. Upon completion of the District Level Educational Innovation Fair, Innovation (Total 1 Innovation) from three Innovations of selected Primary School and Innovation of Secondary - Higher Secondary School and Training Institutes for the State Level Educational Innovation Festival in a fixed format in state format.  ) To be sent.

 4.  At least 50 innovations will have to be planned to be displayed in the Diet Innovation Fair each day.

 5.  According to the letter of GCERT, all the judges present in the Innovation Selection Committee of the District Level Educational Innovation Fair will have to be given honorary wages according to the rules.

 6.  For conducting the District Level Education Innovation Festival, the accompanying guidelines for the Education Innovation Festival will be used.  As well as this, for more information.

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Educational innovation festival 2019-20 | District level Innovation Aayojan Babat paripatra

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