What is e-Epic Election Card And How to Download e-Epic Card ? (FAQ on e-EPIC)

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🔍 તમારૂ e- ચૂંટણી કાર્ડ તમે PDF માં ડાઉનલોડ કરી ફોનમાં સ્ટોર કરી શકો છો.

🛃 મિત્રો, આપણે ઘણી જગ્યાએ ઓચિંતા ચૂંટણીકાર્ડ ની ઝેરોક્ષ ની જરૂર પડતી હોય છે.

🚸  તેના માટે હવે તમે ચૂંટણીકાર્ડની. ઓફીસીયલ વેબસાઈટ પરથી તમારૂં e-Epic PDF માં ડાઉનલોડ કરીને તમારા ફોનમાં સાચવી શકો છો અને ગમે ત્યારે તેની પ્રીંટ કાઢી શકો છો.

ચૂંટણીકાર્ડ (e-Epic) કેમ ડાઉનલોડ કરવું તેની સ્ટેપ By સ્ટેપ માહીતી. દરેક મિત્રોને માહિતી મોકલો.

👉 E- Epic પરિપત્ર ડાઉનલોડ કરવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો.


Question : what's e-EPIC ?

Ans : e-EPIC is portable document format (PDF) version of the EPIC which may be verified using authentic and secure QR code reader application. It are often downloaded on mobile or during a self-printable form on the pc . this is often additionally to PVC EPIC being issued for fresh registration. 

Q. : the way to get e-EPIC?

Ans. :  e-EPIC are going to be available on Mobile also Desktop, Citizens can download e-EPIC after login from 

👉 મતદાર સુધારણા કાર્યક્રમ 2022 ; અગત્યની તારીખો

Voter Helpline Mobile app (Android/iOS)



Q. : who all are eligible to download e-EPIC?

Ans. : Only Newly enrolled General electors who are enrolled during 25th Jan to 31st Jan 2021(SSR 2021) can download e-EPIC. All Electors can download e-EPIC from 1st Feb 2021 onwards. 

Q. : what are the advantages of e-EPIC?

Ans. : Benefits of e-EPIC are:-

Alternate and faster mode of obtaining Electoral Photo card during a digital format.

Equally valid as a symbol of document for voter identification.

Can be printed at the convenience of the voter and may bring it as proof during polling.

Ans. : there'll not be any password for opening e-EPIC file.Self-service model.

Q. : what's password for opening e-EPIC?

Q. : what is going to be the format of e-EPIC?

Ans. : e-EPIC are going to be available within the portable format (pdf) only.

Q. : what's the method of downloading the e-EPIC?

Download Your e-Epic (Election Card) : Click Here

ઓનલાઈન ચૂંટણીકાર્ડ કેવી રીતે Download કરવું?

શું તમારું કે તમારા કુટુંબમાં ચૂંટણીકાર્ડ કઢાવવાનું બાકી છે?

શું ચૂંટણીકાર્ડમાં નામ, સરનામાં સુધારો કરવાનો છે?

તમામ ફોર્મ અને માહિતી મેળવો.

Gujarat Election Card Online Application - Voter List 2021 | online election card


Gujarat Election Card Online Application - Voter List 2021 | online election card

Voter ID Online | Change name in election card. Election Card Online Download | Voter ID Card Search By Name | download voter id card with photo

Voting and Voter ID cards are handled by the Election Commission of India and the Chief Electoral Officer. This department does a great job of issuing identity cards to newly registered voters in the country and state. Under the Election Commission of India, each state has a separate Election Commission. In states, the Chief Electoral Officer is in charge of elections and voting, electoral rolls. We will learn how to make new election card, check election card online through this article. Further, we will know in detail how to get the facility on the Voter Portal powered by ECI.

Download Voter ID Card:

How to Download Voter ID Card Online? | step by step guide 

Chief Electoral Officer, CEO Gujarat

gujarat voter list 2021 About this

Download Form for Election Card

Registration of Name in Voter List (Form-6)

Registration of Name in Voter List (For Overseas Voter) Form-6A

Deletion of name in voter list (Form-7)

Change of Details in Electoral Roll (Form-8)

Transfer of Entry in Electoral Roll (Form-8A)

Required Documents and Eligibility Criteria of Gujarat Voter List

National Voters Service Portal (NVSP)

online voter registration

Search your name in Gujarat voter list

Download e-EPIC Card (Gujarat Voter ID Card)

Download Voter List PDF

Know your application status

Know Your Mother Help Center

Chief Electoral Officer, CEO Gujarat

દિવાળી વેકેશન બાબત વાંચવા લાયક સમાચાર

In the state of Gujarat, the CEO registers new voters in the Gujarat voter list and narrows down the names of those who died. The citizens of the state conduct public awareness programs with the aim of making the best use of the people's right to vote. Notably, the state provides the facility to the voters to download their voter ID card from home. The State Election Commission also seeks views from voters to improve the website and make the administration more transparent, citizen-friendly.

gujarat voter list 2021 About this

The Election Commission of the country conducts voter list reform program in every state. In which the work of preparing a new voter list has been started by the Gujarat Election Commission. This list is placed on the official website of CEO Gujarat. All citizens whose names are included in this list will be able to vote. Every citizen whose age is 18 years or more, take that document and register with your nearest BLO. Now there is no need to go to the office of the election department to check the names of the citizens of the country. This operation can be done for free from the official website. Citizens will be able to see their name in the voter list.

 Official official website (https://voterportal.eci.gov.in/)

Key Highlights Of Gujarat Voter List

Scheme Name

Gujarat Voter List 2021

Launched By  

State Election Commission,


New Voter
(citizens of Gujarat)

Official Website


Mode Of Application




Online Voter
Portal Website


Download Form for Election Card

Voters in Gujarat need separate forms to register new names, register Indian citizens living abroad and remove names from the water list. And after the arrival of the Election Identity Card, various samples of Gujarat Election Card Form have been created to make necessary amendments and additions.

Registration of Name in Voter List (Form-6)

According to the Voter Registration Rules of the Election Commission of India, 1960, a citizen of a country can register in the voter list at the age of 18 years. Form-6 is used to enroll as a voter for the first time. voter's list. In addition, citizens have to use Form No. 6 for migration from one constituency to another.

Registration of Name in Voter List (For Overseas Voter) Form-6A

Those living abroad in India have to use Form No. 6A for inclusion of name in the voter list. Citizens who are left abroad due to any reason can add their name in voter list through this form number.

Deletion of name in voter list (Form-7)

Names are included in the civil voter list of India but due to various reasons names have to be reduced. Form number 7 has to be filled for deletion of name from the voter list due to the death of a citizen. Also, due to migration of a citizen, this form can be filled to reduce the voter list.

Change of Details in Electoral Roll (Form-8)

Citizens who have been included in the electoral roll by the Election Commission of India but need to make necessary amendments or additions can use Form No. Citizen name, date of birth, photo, address etc can be corrected through this form.

Transfer of Entry in Electoral Roll (Form-8A)

Citizens of the country can change their address in the voter list through the Election Commission. Form No. 8A can be used in case of transfer from one place of residence to the same constituency in the same electoral roll.

Details in the voter list

Download Forms

Application for entry in the electoral roll

Election Card Form 6

Of an Indian citizen residing abroad

Application for registration as a voter

Election Card Form 6-A

To remove of names in the electoral roll

To apply

Election Card Form 7

Details recorded in the voter list

Application for correction

Election Card Form 8

Note in the voter list

Application for change

Election Card Form 8-A

Required Documents and Eligibility Criteria of Gujarat Voter List

State Election Commission has prepared new voter list. In which various documents are required for new registration of citizens for amendment or reduction in name. Which are as follows.

  1. The citizen must be a citizen of India and Gujarat.
  2. The age of the citizen must be 18 years or more.
  3. Aadhar card
  4. ration magazine
  5. Residence proof
  6. Proof of Age (LC / Birth Certificate / Certificate of Age of Medical Officer)
  7. E mail ID
  8. passport size photo
  9. mobile number
  10. Marriage certificate

National Voters Service Portal (NVSP)

Polling day is celebrated as a festival by the Election Commission of India. For this many programs and programs have been run. And many websites and web portals have been created by the Election Commission for the convenience of the citizens. In which the National Voter Service Portal (NVSP) has been created. Which is called National Voting Service Portal in Gujarati. In which citizens can avail themselves of their services. More details about this portal are given below.

online voter registration

Online voter registration facility is provided for the convenience of Indian voters. The information on how to register online is as follows.

Firstly visit the official website of Chief Electoral Officer, Gujarat.

Then its home page will open.

In which if you do not have registration "" do not have an account? Click Create Account.

In which citizens can enter their email id or mobile number.

OTP will come after entering mobile or email id.

After OTP verification a new password creation page will appear in which enter new password will be required.

Submitting which your voter online registration process will be completed.

Search your name in Gujarat voter list

Through the National Voters Service Portal (NVSP) of the Government of India, citizens can check whether their name is in Gujarati or not. Citizens can know on the basis of their name, address, age. And voters can also learn from their EPIC number.

First of all go to National Voters Service Portal (NVSP).

After opening this website, search information will appear on its home page.

In which voters can know whether their name is included in the list or not through voter ID search by name.

Apart from this, Citizen Search by Epic No. You can also know your name in Gujarat Voter ID List.

Download e-EPIC Card (Gujarat Voter ID Card)

The NVSP website is maintained by the Election Commission of India. From which citizens can download their election card online if they want.

First of all go to NVSP.in.

Click on E-Epic Download.

Where the applicant submits his EPIC number and will be able to download by selecting the state.

Download Voter List PDF

Election Commission of India provides facility to all citizens of the country to download voter list from their homes.

First of all go to https://ceo.gujarat.gov.in/.

Then go to “Voters List – 2021”.

Now a new page will open named as “Voters List – Gujarat State”.

Now it can be downloaded by entering “District, Assembly and Captcha”.

Know your application status

Newly registered voters can check the status of their application for Election Identity Card. Where voters can get BLO name and mobile number through their election card number. Also, know the name and number of the election officials. Know the address of the polling station.

Know Your Mother Help Center
The State Election Commission has declared 'Voters Help Center' per district to solve the problems of voters. Where all voting citizens can submit their election card related, polling related or constituency matters.
Know Your Mother Help Center

Frequently Asked Questions for Voters
New voters face a lot of questions and problems while applying online. The PDF of the FAQ has been created by CEO Gujarat to address all these issues and questions. Which can be downloaded from the button given below.

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